2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 13 - 8
(11 games remaining)

 2024-2025 WBB Record: 15 - 7
(8 games remaining)

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833 highlight videos and 684 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 6,064 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1920 players and 120 coaches.

2/4/2025 Basketball vs  Purdue

2/6/2025 Women's Basketball @  Minnesota

2/7/2025 Wrestling vs  Maryland

Check back after the game for videos! View all upcoming games or buy tickets (all sports)



We are building out this page quickly so check back daily for new players. They are being added ad-hoc, no particular rhyme or reason other than something I stumbled upon, or someone really popular, or in the recent news, or someone of personal interest to me. Some research takes me down a "rabbit hole" that uncovers some amazing information. My intent is to list almost every letterwinner and significant contributor (maybe because of what they did after their playing days or off the field), but that will take years to complete. As the list grows, we'll also improve the search and filtering to make it easier to find players. If you'd like to help, contact us to learn more about some paid work. We need help taking the various biographies and some research, and consolidating them down into essential information and not just a copy/paste from another site. We'll definitely take requests if you have a favorite or important player not listed yet. If you personally are a former player, I'm happy to add or revise your profile (as you have the best and most correct information), just contact me.

Detailed Filter
  NIL:   Walk-On:   All-Conf:   POY:   All-Am:   NCAA HOF:
  Drafted:   All-Pro:   UI HOF:   Pro HOF:   Died:   OLY:   Has Twitter Account?:   Has LinkedIn Account?:    Clear
NIL = Name Image and Likeness, POY = Player of the Year, All-Am = All-American, HOF = Hall of Fame
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Missing photo for Allen Brock

Allen Brock  [1901-1904]

Missing photo for W.L. DuBois

W.L. DuBois  [1901-1902]

Missing photo for Thomas Farrell

Thomas Farrell  [1901-1903]

Missing photo for Harry Parsons

Harry Parsons  [1901-1904]

Missing photo for Charles Ross

Charles Ross  [1901-1904]

Missing photo for C.P. Schenck

C.P. Schenck  [1901-1905]

Missing photo for S.K. Stover

S.K. Stover  [1901-1903]

James 'Jimmie' Barton

James 'Jimmie' Barton  [1903-1907]

Missing photo for Dwight Griffith

Dwight Griffith  [1903-1906]

Missing photo for E.M. Kingsbury

E.M. Kingsbury  [1903-1904]

Missing photo for ?? Newton

?? Newton  [1903-1904]

Chester 'Buck' Buckner

Chester 'Buck' Buckner  [1904-1908]

Missing photo for L.M. Morrissey

L.M. Morrissey  [1904-1908]

Missing photo for George Wilson

George Wilson  [1904-1905]

Missing photo for B.A. Brown

B.A. Brown  [1906-1909]

Missing photo for I.A. Burckheimer

I.A. Burckheimer  [1906-1908]

Missing photo for J.O. Perrine

J.O. Perrine  [1906-1909]

Missing photo for D.A. Norton

D.A. Norton  [1907-1908]

Walter 'Stub' Stewart

Walter 'Stub' Stewart  [1907-1910]
 All Conference: 2nd Team (1909) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Mark Hyland

Mark Hyland  [1908-1909]

Missing photo for William Ramsell

William Ramsell  [1908-1909]

Missing photo for Hugo Ryden

Hugo Ryden  [1908-1911]

Missing photo for Floyd Thomas

Floyd Thomas  [1909-1911]

Missing photo for F.W. Sallander

F.W. Sallander  [1910-1912]

Missing photo for Chris Schmidt

Chris Schmidt  [1910-1912]

Missing photo for Floyd Smith

Floyd Smith  [1910-1911]

Missing photo for Harry Berry

Harry Berry  [1911-1913]

Missing photo for Ray Gardner

Ray Gardner  [1911-1913]

Missing photo for Richard Leo

Richard Leo  [1911-1913]

Missing photo for Sidney Maiden

Sidney Maiden  [1911-1913]

Charles 'Poss' Parsons

Charles 'Poss' Parsons  [1912-1915]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Missing photo for H.H. Schulte

H.H. Schulte  [1912-1913]

Missing photo for L.R. Fields

L.R. Fields  [1913-1914]

Missing photo for Earl Grissel

Earl Grissel  [1913-1914]

Missing photo for L.M. Jacobson

L.M. Jacobson  [1913-1915]

Missing photo for John Nevin

John Nevin  [1913-1915]

Missing photo for W.H. VonLackum

W.H. VonLackum  [1913-1916]

Missing photo for Edwin Bannick

Edwin Bannick  [1914-1917]

Missing photo for Lawrence Dutton

Lawrence Dutton  [1914-1917]

Missing photo for Joe Kerwick

Joe Kerwick  [1915-1916]

Missing photo for Loren Schiff

Loren Schiff  [1915-1917]

Missing photo for John VonLackum

John VonLackum  [1915-1918]

Missing photo for Clifford Berrien

Clifford Berrien  [1916-1919]

Missing photo for Albert Jenkins

Albert Jenkins  [1916-1917]

Missing photo for Leon Brigham

Leon Brigham  [1917-1918]

Missing photo for Homer Brown

Homer Brown  [1917-1919]

Missing photo for Kenneth Cotton

Kenneth Cotton  [1917-1919]

Missing photo for Merrill Olson

Merrill Olson  [1917-1919]

Missing photo for Leo Nicolaus

Leo Nicolaus  [1918-1920]

Missing photo for Frank Shimek

Frank Shimek  [1918-1922]

Aubrey Devine

Aubrey Devine  [1919-1922]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1919, 1920, 1921) All American: Consensus 1st team (1921) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Basketball Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Robert Finlayson

Robert Finlayson  [1919-1920]

Missing photo for George Frohwein

George Frohwein  [1919-1922]

Missing photo for Robert Kaufmann

Robert Kaufmann  [1919-1921]

Missing photo for Earl Worth

Earl Worth  [1919-1920]

Missing photo for Carl Lohman

Carl Lohman  [1920-1922]

Missing photo for Richard McGovney

Richard McGovney  [1920-1921]

Missing photo for Robert Burgitt

Robert Burgitt  [1921-1923]

Missing photo for Wayland Hicks

Wayland Hicks  [1921-1924]

Missing photo for Jack Funk

Jack Funk  [1922-1924]

Missing photo for James Laude

James Laude  [1922-1925]

Missing photo for Clarence Duhm

Clarence Duhm  [1923-1924]

Missing photo for Hector Janse

Hector Janse  [1923-1925]

Missing photo for H.C. Jensen

H.C. Jensen  [1923-1924]

Missing photo for Charles McConnell

Charles McConnell  [1923-1926]

Leonard Raffensperger

Leonard Raffensperger  [1924-1925]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Missing photo for George VanDeusen

George VanDeusen  [1924-1928]

Missing photo for Lawrence

Lawrence "Pops" Harrison  [1925-1928]

Missing photo for Ralph Hogan

Ralph Hogan  [1925-1927]

Missing photo for Harold Miller

Harold Miller  [1925-1926]

Missing photo for Gordon Phillips

Gordon Phillips  [1925-1926]

Forrest Twogood

Forrest Twogood  [1926-1929]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Francis Wilcox

Francis Wilcox  [1926-1929]

Missing photo for Virgil David

Virgil David  [1927-1929]

Missing photo for Robert Kinnan

Robert Kinnan  [1927-1930]

Missing photo for Fred Lawson

Fred Lawson  [1927-1928]

Missing photo for Doyle Plunkitt

Doyle Plunkitt  [1927-1929]

Missing photo for Mike Farroh

Mike Farroh  [1928-1929]

Fred Geneva

Fred Geneva  [1928-1929]

Missing photo for Herbert Jebens

Herbert Jebens  [1928-1930]

Irving Nelson

Irving Nelson  [1928-1929]

Missing photo for George Rogge

George Rogge  [1928-1929]

Robert Spradling

Robert Spradling  [1928-1930]

Missing photo for James Figg

James Figg  [1929-1930]

Missing photo for Reg Hildreth

Reg Hildreth  [1929-1930]

Missing photo for Joseph Mowry

Joseph Mowry  [1929-1931]

Missing photo for Charles Williamson

Charles Williamson  [1929-1932]

Missing photo for S. Epstein

S. Epstein  [1930-1931]

Missing photo for M. Koser

M. Koser  [1930-1931]

Jack Kotlow

Jack Kotlow  [1930-1933]

Missing photo for C.F. Lauer

C.F. Lauer  [1930-1931]

Missing photo for Julian Reinhardt

Julian Reinhardt  [1930-1933]

Marshall Riegert

Marshall Riegert  [1930-1933]

Missing photo for Alexander Rogers

Alexander Rogers  [1930-1932]

Howard Bastian

Howard Bastian  [1931-1934]

Missing photo for P.J. Bennett

P.J. Bennett  [1931-1932]

Harold Eshleman

Harold Eshleman  [1931-1933]

Douglas C. Filkins

Douglas C. Filkins  [1931-1932]

John Grim

John Grim  [1931-1935]

Gueldner Krumbholz

Gueldner Krumbholz  [1931-1933]

Howard Moffitt

Howard Moffitt  [1931-1934]

Ben Selzer

Ben Selzer  [1931-1934]
 New Jersey 

Missing photo for H.J. Swaney

H.J. Swaney  [1931-1932]

John Barko

John Barko  [1932-1936]

Missing photo for Ivan Blackmer

Ivan Blackmer  [1933-1935]

Missing photo for Albert Bobby

Albert Bobby  [1934-1937]

Missing photo for Fred Kunkel

Fred Kunkel  [1934-1935]

Missing photo for Sid Rosenthal

Sid Rosenthal  [1934-1936]

Missing photo for Frederic Schwartz

Frederic Schwartz  [1934-1936]

Joe VanYsseldyk

Joe VanYsseldyk  [1934-1938]

Missing photo for Floyd DeHeer

Floyd DeHeer  [1935-1937]

Missing photo for Jack Dress

Jack Dress  [1935-1938]

Missing photo for Sam Johnson

Sam Johnson  [1935-1938]

Missing photo for Kenneth Suesens

Kenneth Suesens  [1935-1938]

Missing photo for Edwin Thompson

Edwin Thompson  [1935-1937]

Missing photo for Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh  [1935-1937]

Missing photo for Elmer Bratten

Elmer Bratten  [1936-1937]

Missing photo for Wally Gaddis

Wally Gaddis  [1936-1937]

Missing photo for Howard Ely

Howard Ely  [1937-1938]

Nile Kinnick

Nile Kinnick  [1937-1938]
 Nebraska Wikipedia All Conference: First Team (1937, 1939), Honorable Mention (1938) Player of the Year: Heisman Trophy (1939), Maxwell Award, Walter Camp Memorial Trophy, AP Male Athlete of the Year, Big Ten Player of the Year  (1939) All American: First Team (1939), 3rd Team (1937) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Basketball Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 2 

Missing photo for Seward Leeka

Seward Leeka  [1937-1938]

Missing photo for Thomas Lind

Thomas Lind  [1937-1940]

Erwin Prasse

Erwin Prasse  [1937-1940]
 Illinois Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1938, 1939) All American: 2nd Team (1939) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 11 

Missing photo for Angelo Anapol

Angelo Anapol  [1938-1939]

Missing photo for Kenneth Bastian

Kenneth Bastian  [1938-1940]

Missing photo for Robert Hobbs

Robert Hobbs  [1938-1940]


Milton "Milt' Kuhl  [1938-1942]

Missing photo for Charles Plett

Charles Plett  [1938-1939]

Tom Chapman, Sr.

Tom Chapman, Sr.  [1939-1943]

Richard 'Dick' Evans

Richard 'Dick' Evans  [1939-1940]

Missing photo for Fred Hohenhorst

Fred Hohenhorst  [1939-1942]

Missing photo for Vic Siegel

Vic Siegel  [1939-1942]

Missing photo for Paul Siglin

Paul Siglin  [1939-1941]

Missing photo for Rudy Soderquist

Rudy Soderquist  [1939-1942]

Missing photo for Ben Stephens

Ben Stephens  [1939-1942]

Ben Trickey

Ben Trickey  [1939-1943]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 14 

Missing photo for Bill Wheeler

Bill Wheeler  [1939-1942]

Missing photo for Wendell Hill

Wendell Hill  [1940-1942]

Missing photo for Howard Irvine

Howard Irvine  [1940-1941]

Missing photo for Sid Story

Sid Story  [1940-1941]

Missing photo for Bernard Duffe

Bernard Duffe  [1941-1942]

Missing photo for Bruce Fountain

Bruce Fountain  [1941-1942]

Missing photo for Richard Hein

Richard Hein  [1941-1942]

Missing photo for James O'Brien

James O'Brien  [1941-1943]

Missing photo for James Humphrey

James Humphrey  [1942-1943]

Missing photo for Robert Lundstedt

Robert Lundstedt  [1942-1943]

Missing photo for Gene Nesmith

Gene Nesmith  [1942-1943]

Missing photo for Theron Thomsen

Theron Thomsen  [1942-1946]

Charles 'Chuck' Uknes

Charles 'Chuck' Uknes  [1942-1943]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 14 

Missing photo for Sam Vacanti

Sam Vacanti  [1942-1943]

Dave Danner

Dave Danner  [1943-1947]

Jimmie Grafton

Jimmie Grafton  [1943-1944]

Lloyd Herwig

Lloyd Herwig  [1943-1944]

Missing photo for Tom Hughes

Tom Hughes  [1943-1944]

Dick Ives

Dick Ives  [1943-1947]
 Iowa Wikipedia All American: 2nd Team (1945), 3rd Team (1944, 1946) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 4 

Glenn Kremer

Glenn Kremer  [1943-1944]

Floyd Magnusson

Floyd Magnusson  [1943-1949]

Ned Postels

Ned Postels  [1943-1946]

Jack Spencer

Jack Spencer  [1943-1948]

Donald Walter

Donald Walter  [1943-1944]

Clayton Wilkinson

Clayton Wilkinson  [1943-1947]

Dick Culberson

Dick Culberson  [1944-1946]

Missing photo for Jim Graham

Jim Graham  [1944-1945]

Missing photo for Ed Marsh

Ed Marsh  [1944-1945]

Bob Schultz

Bob Schultz  [1944-1950]

Stan Straatsma

Stan Straatsma  [1944-1949]

Bob Tedesky

Bob Tedesky  [1944-1945]

Murray Wier

Murray Wier  [1944-1948]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1948) Player of the Year: Big Ten MVP (1948) All American: Consensus 1st team (1948) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 5 

Herb Wilkinson

Herb Wilkinson  [1944-1947]
 Utah Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1945, 1946, 1947) All American: 2nd Team (1945, 1946, 1947) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 3 

Robert 'Bob' Wischmeier

Robert 'Bob' Wischmeier  [1944-1946]

Jack Wishmier

Jack Wishmier  [1944-1948]

Missing photo for Noble Jorgensen

Noble Jorgensen  [1945-1947]

Missing photo for Charles Mason

Charles Mason  [1945-1949]

Frank Calsbeek

Frank Calsbeek  [1947-1951]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 6 

Missing photo for Roger Finley

Roger Finley  [1947-1949]

Missing photo for Robert Freeman

Robert Freeman  [1947-1948]

Missing photo for Tony Guzowski

Tony Guzowski  [1947-1949]

Missing photo for Eugene Hall

Eugene Hall  [1947-1948]

Missing photo for Norman Harris

Norman Harris  [1947-1950]

Missing photo for Vince Harsha

Vince Harsha  [1947-1948]

Missing photo for Donald Hays

Donald Hays  [1947-1950]

Missing photo for Leonard Metcalfe

Leonard Metcalfe  [1947-1948]

Missing photo for Tom Parker

Tom Parker  [1947-1949]

Robert 'Bob' Vollers

Robert 'Bob' Vollers  [1947-1950]

Missing photo for John Watkins

John Watkins  [1947-1948]

Robert 'Bob' Clifton

Robert 'Bob' Clifton  [1948-1952]
 Iowa All American: All-American (1952) Drafted in Round 5 

Missing photo for Glenn Dille

Glenn Dille  [1948-1949]

Herald 'Skip' Greene

Herald 'Skip' Greene  [1948-1952]

Dick Riecks

Dick Riecks  [1948-1950]

Missing photo for Albert Weiss

Albert Weiss  [1948-1949]

Chuck Darling

Chuck Darling  [1949-1952]
 Colorado Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1952), 2nd Team (1951) Player of the Year: Big Ten MVP (1952) All American: 1st Team (1952) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 Gold (1956) 

Jack Dittmer

Jack Dittmer  [1949-1950]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 2nd Team (1948) All American: Honorable Mention (1949) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Hubert Johnston

Hubert Johnston  [1949-1950]
 West Virginia Drafted in Round 8 

Fred Ruck

Fred Ruck  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for William Andrews

William Andrews  [1950-1951]

Everett 'Ev' Cochrane

Everett 'Ev' Cochrane  [1950-1952]

Missing photo for Edward Colbert

Edward Colbert  [1950-1951]

Missing photo for Robert Diehl

Robert Diehl  [1950-1951]

Missing photo for Murray Rost

Murray Rost  [1950-1951]

Herb Thompson

Herb Thompson  [1950-1953]

Ken Buckles

Ken Buckles  [1951-1953]

Chuck Jarnagin

Chuck Jarnagin  [1951-1954]

Missing photo for Gerald Ridley

Gerald Ridley  [1951-1955]

Missing photo for William Stenger

William Stenger  [1951-1953]

Carl Cain

Carl Cain  [1952-1956]
 Illinois Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1956), 2nd Team (1954, 1955) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 7 Gold (1956) 

McKinley 'Deacon' Davis

McKinley 'Deacon' Davis  [1952-1955]
 Illinois All Conference: 1st Team (1955?) All American: 2nd Team? (1955?) 

Lester 'Les' Hawthorne

Lester 'Les' Hawthorne  [1952-1956]

Missing photo for Gene Hettrick

Gene Hettrick  [1952-1953]

Hugh Leffingwell

Hugh Leffingwell  [1952-1954]

William 'Bill' Logan

William 'Bill' Logan  [1952-1956]
 U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 5 

Missing photo for Robert Mau

Robert Mau  [1952-1953]

Missing photo for Robert Miller

Robert Miller  [1952-1953]

Robert 'Bob' Miller

Robert 'Bob' Miller  [1952-1953]

Milton 'Sharm' Scheuerman

Milton 'Sharm' Scheuerman  [1952-1956]
 Illinois Wikipedia 

Bill Schoof

Bill Schoof  [1952-1956]

William 'Bill' Seaberg

William 'Bill' Seaberg  [1952-1956]
 Illinois U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Douglas Duncan

Douglas Duncan  [1953-1955]

Missing photo for Robert George

Robert George  [1953-1956]

Missing photo for Roy Johnson

Roy Johnson  [1954-1955]

Dave Gunther

Dave Gunther  [1955-1959]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1959), 2nd Team (1958) Drafted in Round 8 

Missing photo for Jim McConnell

Jim McConnell  [1955-1958]

Missing photo for Thomas Payne

Thomas Payne  [1955-1956]

Frank Sebolt

Frank Sebolt  [1955-1957]

Missing photo for Peer Hegg

Peer Hegg  [1956-1957]

Mike Heitman

Mike Heitman  [1956-1960]

Americus John-Lewis

Americus John-Lewis  [1956-1957]
 Drafted in Round 10 

Missing photo for George Seaberg

George Seaberg  [1956-1959]

Missing photo for Joe Williams

Joe Williams  [1956-1957]

Missing photo for Clarence Wordlaw

Clarence Wordlaw  [1956-1959]

Missing photo for Nolden Gentry

Nolden Gentry  [1957-1960]
 Illinois Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Richard Harring

Richard Harring  [1957-1959]

Missing photo for Frank Mundt

Frank Mundt  [1957-1960]

Missing photo for Earl Nau

Earl Nau  [1957-1959]

Missing photo for Bob Washington

Bob Washington  [1957-1960]

Ronald Zagar

Ronald Zagar  [1957-1961]

Missing photo for Robert Carpenter

Robert Carpenter  [1958-1959]

Missing photo for Lester Kewney

Lester Kewney  [1958-1960]

Dave Maher

Dave Maher  [1958-1960]

Missing photo for Joseph Schebler

Joseph Schebler  [1958-1960]

Frank Allen

Frank Allen  [1959-1960]

Missing photo for J. Michael Dull

J. Michael Dull  [1959-1960]

Tom Harris

Tom Harris  [1959-1960]

Missing photo for Gary Lorenz

Gary Lorenz  [1959-1962]

Don Nelson

Don Nelson  [1959-1962]
 Illinois Wikipedia U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 3 

Missing photo for Joel Novak

Joel Novak  [1959-1962]

Dennis Runge

Dennis Runge  [1959-1961]

Matt Szykowny

Matt Szykowny  [1959-1962]
 Pennsylvania Drafted in Round 15 

Missing photo for Michael Woods

Michael Woods  [1959-1961]

Connie Hawkins

Connie Hawkins  [1960-1961]
 New York Wikipedia ABL Player of the Year (1961), NBA All-Star (1970-1973) 

Terry Lyon

Terry Lyon  [1960-1964]

Missing photo for Thomas Purcell

Thomas Purcell  [1960-1961]

Missing photo for Joe Reddington

Joe Reddington  [1960-1963]

David Roach

David Roach  [1960-1964]

Dick Shaw

Dick Shaw  [1960-1963]

Andrew 'Andy' Hankins

Andrew 'Andy' Hankins  [1961-1964]

Missing photo for Douglas Melhaus

Douglas Melhaus  [1961-1963]

Missing photo for Gerald Messick

Gerald Messick  [1961-1962]

Jimmy Rodgers

Jimmy Rodgers  [1961-1965]
 Illinois Wikipedia 

Missing photo for William Skea

William Skea  [1961-1964]

Missing photo for Mike Denoma

Mike Denoma  [1962-1965]

Dennis Pauling

Dennis Pauling  [1962-1966]

Fred Riddle

Fred Riddle  [1962-1965]

Missing photo for Kenneth Banazek

Kenneth Banazek  [1963-1965]

Missing photo for Edward Bastian

Edward Bastian  [1963-1966]

Missing photo for Joel Jessen

Joel Jessen  [1963-1966]

Missing photo for Gary Olson

Gary Olson  [1963-1966]

George Peeples

George Peeples  [1963-1966]
 Michigan Wikipedia Drafted in Round 4 

Missing photo for Richard Agnew

Richard Agnew  [1964-1968]

Missing photo for Tom Chapman, Jr.

Tom Chapman, Jr.  [1964-1967]

Gerry Jones

Gerry Jones  [1964-1967]
 Drafted in Round 13 

Walter 'Mac' McCausland

Walter 'Mac' McCausland  [1964-1965]
 Iowa  Twitter 

Benjamin 'Ben' McGilmer

Benjamin 'Ben' McGilmer  [1964-1970]
 Michigan Drafted in Round 6 

Missing photo for Lewis Perkins

Lewis Perkins  [1964-1967]

Chris Pervall

Chris Pervall  [1964-1966]
 Drafted in Round 17 

Missing photo for Huston Breedlove

Huston Breedlove  [1965-1968]

Missing photo for Gary Gottschalk

Gary Gottschalk  [1965-1967]

Missing photo for Rolly McGrath

Rolly McGrath  [1965-1968]

Missing photo for Frank Nelson

Frank Nelson  [1965-1969]

Missing photo for Joe Bergman

Joe Bergman  [1966-1968]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 2 

Missing photo for Chris Philips

Chris Philips  [1966-1969]

Missing photo for Harry Venik

Harry Venik  [1966-1967]

Missing photo for David White

David White  [1966-1968]

Missing photo for Sam W. Williams

Sam W. Williams  [1966-1968]
 All American: 1967, 1968 Drafted in Round 3 

Sam H. Williams

Sam H. Williams  [1966-1968]
 Michigan Wikipedia All Conference: MVP (1968), First Team (1967, 1968) All American: 2nd Team (1967), 3rd Team (1968) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 3 

Chad Calabria

Chad Calabria  [1967-1970]
 Drafted in Round 14 

Omar Hazley

Omar Hazley  [1967-1971]

Jim Hodge

Jim Hodge  [1967-1970]

Dick Jensen

Dick Jensen  [1967-1970]

Missing photo for Ronald Norman

Ronald Norman  [1967-1968]

Tom Schulze

Tom Schulze  [1967-1970]

Glenn Vidnovic

Glenn Vidnovic  [1967-1970]
 Drafted in Round 4 

George Conway

George Conway  [1968-1971]

John Johnson

John Johnson  [1968-1970]
 Wisconsin Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1970) All American: 3rd Team (1970) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 1971 and 1972 

Tom Miller

Tom Miller  [1968-1971]

Joe Miranda

Joe Miranda  [1968-1969]

Fred Brown

Fred Brown  [1969-1971]
 Wisconsin Wikipedia U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 1976 

Ken Grabinski

Ken Grabinski  [1969-1972]

Kevin Kunnert

Kevin Kunnert  [1969-1973]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 2nd Team (1972, 1973) All American: 1st Team (1973) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 

Gary Lusk

Gary Lusk  [1969-1972]

Glenn Angelino

Glenn Angelino  [1970-1973]

Ken Angersola

Ken Angersola  [1970-1974]

Joe Gould

Joe Gould  [1970-1972]

Fred Mims

Fred Mims  [1970-1972]
 Illinois U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Lynn Rowat

Lynn Rowat  [1970-1972]

James 'Jim' Speed

James 'Jim' Speed  [1970-1971]

Mike Bonk

Mike Bonk  [1971-1975]

Jim Collins

Jim Collins  [1971-1974]

Neil Fegebank

Neil Fegebank  [1971-1974]

Missing photo for Harold Sullinger

Harold Sullinger  [1971-1972]

Rick Williams

Rick Williams  [1971-1973]
 Drafted in Round 14 

Mike Gatens

Mike Gatens  [1972-1976]

Candy LaPrince

Candy LaPrince  [1972-1974]

Jim Magnusson

Jim Magnusson  [1972-1976]
 Iowa LinkedIn 

Larry Moore

Larry Moore  [1972-1975]

Larry Parker

Larry Parker  [1972-1976]

Stan Petratis

Stan Petratis  [1972-1975]

Cliff Sumpter

Cliff Sumpter  [1972-1975]

Scott Thompson

Scott Thompson  [1972-1976]
 Illinois Wikipedia All Conference: 2nd Team (1976) Drafted in Round 4 

Reggie Vaughan

Reggie Vaughan  [1972-1973]

John Hairston

John Hairston  [1973-1977]

Missing photo for Dennis Hakeman

Dennis Hakeman  [1973-1974]

Bruce 'Sky' King

Bruce 'Sky' King  [1973-1977]
 Ohio All Conference: 2nd Team (1977) Drafted in Round 4 

Archie Mays

Archie Mays  [1973-1976]

Leon Thomas

Leon Thomas  [1973-1975]

Nate Washington

Nate Washington  [1973-1975]

Terry Drake

Terry Drake  [1974-1978]

Dan Frost

Dan Frost  [1974-1976]
 California LinkedIn All Conference: 1975 Drafted in Round 4 

Fred Haberecht

Fred Haberecht  [1974-1975]

Keith Rathert

Keith Rathert  [1974-1975]

Ivory Ward

Ivory Ward  [1974-1975]

Glen Worley

Glen Worley  [1974-1975]
 New York 

Cal Wulfsberg

Cal Wulfsberg  [1974-1977]

Clay Hargrave

Clay Hargrave  [1975-1979]

William Mayfield

William Mayfield  [1975-1979]

Dick Peth

Dick Peth  [1975-1979]

Kirk Speraw

Kirk Speraw  [1975-1979]
 Iowa Wikipedia  Twitter Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Missing photo for Jim Hallstrom

Jim Hallstrom  [1976-1978]

Mike Henry

Mike Henry  [1976-1980]

Missing photo for Scott Kelley

Scott Kelley  [1976-1978]

Ronnie Lester

Ronnie Lester  [1976-1980]
 Illinois Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1978, 1979) All American: 2nd team (1979) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 

Tom Norman

Tom Norman  [1976-1979]

Missing photo for Larry Olsthoorn

Larry Olsthoorn  [1976-1978]

Missing photo for Van Phelps

Van Phelps  [1976-1977]

Greg Boyle

Greg Boyle  [1977-1982]

Vince Brookins

Vince Brookins  [1977-1981]
 Drafted in Round 6 

Steve Waite

Steve Waite  [1977-1981]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 6 

Kenny Arnold

Kenny Arnold  [1978-1982]
 Illinois All Conference: 3rd Team (1982) Drafted in Round 5 

Kevin Boyle

Kevin Boyle  [1978-1982]
 Illinois Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1982) Drafted in Round 6 

Steve Krafcisin

Steve Krafcisin  [1978-1981]
 Illinois All Conference: 3rd Team (1980) Drafted in Round 5 

Missing photo for Randy Norton

Randy Norton  [1978-1980]

Mike Arens

Mike Arens  [1979-1980]

Jon Darsee

Jon Darsee  [1979-1982]

Mark Gannon

Mark Gannon  [1979-1983]
 Iowa LinkedIn Drafted in Round 8 

Tom Grogan

Tom Grogan  [1979-1980]

Bobby Hansen

Bobby Hansen  [1979-1983]
 Iowa Wikipedia  Twitter Drafted in Round 3 

Missing photo for Mike Heller

Mike Heller  [1979-1980]

Craig Anderson

Craig Anderson  [1980-1984]

Steve Carfino

Steve Carfino  [1980-1984]
 California Wikipedia  Twitter Drafted in Round 6 

Missing photo for Dennis Johnson

Dennis Johnson  [1980-1981]

Missing photo for Waymond King

Waymond King  [1980-1984]

Todd Berkenpas

Todd Berkenpas  [1981-1985]

Missing photo for Jerry Dennard

Jerry Dennard  [1981-1983]

Michael Payne

Michael Payne  [1981-1985]
 Illinois All Conference: All-Big Ten (1982-1985) All American: Freshman (1982) Drafted in Round 3 

Greg Stokes

Greg Stokes  [1981-1985]
 Ohio Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1985), Unknown (1983, 1984) Drafted in Round 2 

Andre Banks

Andre Banks  [1982-1986]
 Illinois All Conference: Honorable Mention (1986) Drafted in Round 5 

Bryan Boyle

Bryan Boyle  [1982-1984]

Brad Lohaus

Brad Lohaus  [1982-1987]
 Arizona Wikipedia Drafted in Round 2 

Missing photo for Kurt Stange

Kurt Stange  [1982-1984]

Missing photo for Johnny Fort

Johnny Fort  [1983-1984]

Kenny Fullard

Kenny Fullard  [1983-1985]

Kent Hill

Kent Hill  [1983-1988]

Dave Snedeker

Dave Snedeker  [1983-1985]

Gerry Wright

Gerry Wright  [1983-1987]
 California All Conference: 3rd Team (1986) Drafted in Round 5 

Bart Casey

Bart Casey  [1984-1987]

Bill Jones

Bill Jones  [1984-1988]

Al Lorenzen

Al Lorenzen  [1984-1988]
 Iowa  Twitter LinkedIn 

Jeff Moe

Jeff Moe  [1984-1988]
 Indiana Wikipedia Drafted in Round 2 

Michael Morgan

Michael Morgan  [1984-1988]

Michael Reaves

Michael Reaves  [1984-1988]

B.J. Armstrong

B.J. Armstrong  [1985-1989]
 Michigan Wikipedia  Twitter All Conference: 1987 U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 1994 

Kevin Gamble

Kevin Gamble  [1985-1987]
 Illinois Wikipedia  Twitter Drafted in Round 3 

Ed Horton

Ed Horton  [1985-1989]
 Illinois Wikipedia LinkedIn All Conference: 1st Team (1989) Drafted in Round 2 

Les Jepsen

Les Jepsen  [1985-1990]
 North Dakota Wikipedia  Twitter LinkedIn All Conference: 3rd Team (1990) Drafted in Round 2 

Roy Marble

Roy Marble  [1985-1989]
 Michigan Wikipedia  Twitter All Conference: 2nd Team (1987, 1988), 3rd Team (1989) All American: Honorable Mention (1989) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 

Mark Jewell

Mark Jewell  [1986-1988]

Missing photo for Kelly J. Westen

Kelly J. Westen  [1986-1988]

Curtis Cuthpert

Curtis Cuthpert  [1987-1988]

Michael Ingram

Michael Ingram  [1987-1990]

Matt Bullard

Matt Bullard  [1988-1990]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Rodell Davis

Rodell Davis  [1988-1992]

Brian Garner

Brian Garner  [1988-1989]

Wade Lookingbill

Wade Lookingbill  [1988-1993]

James Moses

James Moses  [1988-1992]

Missing photo for Matt Scott

Matt Scott  [1988-1990]

Troy Skinner

Troy Skinner  [1988-1992]

Ray Thompson

Ray Thompson  [1988-1990]

Brig Tubbs

Brig Tubbs  [1988-1992]

Mark Wetzel

Mark Wetzel  [1988-1990]

Acie Earl

Acie Earl  [1989-1993]
 Illinois Personal sites and NIL pages Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter LinkedIn All Conference: 2nd team (1991, 1993), 1st Team (1992) Player of the Year: 1992 Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year (1993) All American: Honorable Mention (1992, 1993) Drafted in Round 1 

Missing photo for Todd Givant

Todd Givant  [1989-1992]

Missing photo for Jim O'Connor

Jim O'Connor  [1989-1992]

Missing photo for Dale Reed

Dale Reed  [1989-1990]

Jay Webb

Jay Webb  [1989-1993]
 California LinkedIn 

Val Barnes

Val Barnes  [1990-1993]

Jim Bartels

Jim Bartels  [1990-1995]

Missing photo for Paul Lusk

Paul Lusk  [1990-1992]

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith  [1990-1993]

Chris Street

Chris Street  [1990-1993]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

James Winters

James Winters  [1990-1994]

Phil Chime

Phil Chime  [1991-1992]

Missing photo for James Schraut

James Schraut  [1991-1992]

Missing photo for Jason Shay

Jason Shay  [1991-1995]

Missing photo for John Fritzel

John Fritzel  [1992-1995]

Mon'ter Glasper

Mon'ter Glasper  [1992-1996]

Russ Millard

Russ Millard  [1992-1996]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 3rd Team (1996) Drafted in Round 2 

Kenyon Murray

Kenyon Murray  [1992-1996]
 Michigan  Twitter LinkedIn 

Kevin Skillett

Kevin Skillett  [1992-1995]
 Illinois  Twitter LinkedIn Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

John Carter

John Carter  [1993-1995]

Chris Kingsbury

Chris Kingsbury  [1993-1996]
 Ohio Wikipedia All Conference: 2nd Team (1995) 

Missing photo for Nate Koch

Nate Koch  [1993-1995]
  Twitter LinkedIn Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Jess Settles

Jess Settles  [1993-1999]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 1st Team (1996), 3rd Team (1994, 1995)  Player of the Year: Big Ten Freshman of the Year (1994) All American: Honorable Mention (1996) 

Missing photo for Michael White

Michael White  [1993-1995]

Ryan Bowen

Ryan Bowen  [1994-1998]
 Iowa Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 2nd Team (1998), 3rd Team (1997) Drafted in Round 2 

Missing photo for Keno Davis

Keno Davis  [1994-1995]

Greg Helmers

Greg Helmers  [1994-1998]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile LinkedIn 

Kent McCausland

Kent McCausland  [1994-1999]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile LinkedIn 

Andre Woolridge

Andre Woolridge  [1994-1997]
 Nebraska Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile All Conference: 1st Team (1996, 1997) All American: 3rd Team (1997) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Jason Bauer

Jason Bauer  [1995-1999]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Missing photo for Brian Haberer

Brian Haberer  [1995-1998]

J.R. Koch

J.R. Koch  [1995-1999]
 Illinois Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile Drafted in Round 2 

Darryl Moore

Darryl Moore  [1995-1998]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Alvin Robinson

Alvin Robinson  [1995-1998]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Marcelo Gomes

Marcelo Gomes  [1996-2000]
 Texas Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Missing photo for Kerry Koberg

Kerry Koberg  [1996-1998]

Ryan Luehrsmann

Ryan Luehrsmann  [1996-2000]

Missing photo for Scott Rabenold

Scott Rabenold  [1996-1998]

Missing photo for Mike Rebholz

Mike Rebholz  [1996-1999]

Guy Rucker

Guy Rucker  [1996-1999]
 Michigan Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Vernon Simmons

Vernon Simmons  [1996-1998]
 California Hawkeye Sports Profile LinkedIn 

Missing photo for B.J. Terrones

B.J. Terrones  [1996-1999]

Ricky Davis

Ricky Davis  [1997-1998]
 Iowa Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile Drafted in Round 1 

Kyle Galloway

Kyle Galloway  [1997-2001]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Dean Oliver

Dean Oliver  [1997-2001]
 Iowa Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 3rd Team (1999, 2000, 2001) 

Missing photo for Bryce Peterson

Bryce Peterson  [1997-1999]

Jason Smith

Jason Smith  [1997-2001]
 Iowa Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

John Carl Williams

John Carl Williams  [1997-2000]
 Wisconsin Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Missing photo for Josiah Bilskemper

Josiah Bilskemper  [1998-1999]

Duez Henderson

Duez Henderson  [1998-2002]
 Michigan Hawkeye Sports Profile LinkedIn 

Jacob Jaacks

Jacob Jaacks  [1998-2000]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Sam Okey

Sam Okey  [1998-1999]

Jason Price

Jason Price  [1998-2000]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile LinkedIn 

Antonio Ramos

Antonio Ramos  [1998-2000]
 Minnesota Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Joey Range

Joey Range  [1998-1999]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Rod Thompson

Rod Thompson  [1998-2002]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Joe Fermino

Joe Fermino  [1999-2001]

Rob Griffin

Rob Griffin  [1999-2000]

Ryan Hogan

Ryan Hogan  [1999-2002]

Jon Beutjer

Jon Beutjer  [2000-2001]
 Illinois Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Brody Boyd

Brody Boyd  [2000-2004]

Reggie Evans

Reggie Evans  [2000-2002]
 Florida Wikipedia All Conference: 2nd Team (2002) All American: Honorable Mention (2001) 

Luke Recker

Luke Recker  [2000-2002]
 Indiana Wikipedia LinkedIn All Conference: Honorable mention (2001) All American: Honorable mention (2002) 

Jared Reiner

Jared Reiner  [2000-2004]

Missing photo for Cortney Scott

Cortney Scott  [2000-2001]

Sean Sonderleiter

Sean Sonderleiter  [2000-2003]

Glen Worley

Glen Worley  [2000-2004]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 3rd Team (2004) 

Missing photo for Josh Kimm

Josh Kimm  [2001-2003]

Chauncey Leslie

Chauncey Leslie  [2001-2003]

Pierre Pierce

Pierre Pierce  [2001-2004]

Missing photo for Kurt Spurgeon

Kurt Spurgeon  [2001-2004]

Greg Brunner

Greg Brunner  [2002-2006]

Missing photo for Greg Dollmeyer

Greg Dollmeyer  [2002-2003]

Jeff Horner

Jeff Horner  [2002-2006]
 Iowa Wikipedia LinkedIn All Conference: 3rd Team (2004, 2006) 

Missing photo for Chris Warren

Chris Warren  [2002-2003]

Jack Brownlee

Jack Brownlee  [2003-2005]

Adam Haluska

Adam Haluska  [2003-2007]
 Iowa Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile All Conference: 1st Team (2007), 3rd Team (2006), Honorable Mention (2005), Academic (2005, 2006) All American: Academic (2007) Drafted in Round 2 

Erek Hansen

Erek Hansen  [2003-2006]
 Texas Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile Player of the Year: Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year (2006) All American: CollegeInsiders.com Defensive (2006) 

Mike Henderson

Mike Henderson  [2003-2007]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Missing photo for Ben Rand

Ben Rand  [2003-2004]

J.R. Angle

J.R. Angle  [2004-2009]
 Indiana Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Tony Freeman

Tony Freeman  [2004-2008]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile All Conference: 3rd Team (2008) 

Seth Gorney

Seth Gorney  [2004-2008]
 Ohio Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Carlton Reed

Carlton Reed  [2004-2006]

Doug Thomas

Doug Thomas  [2004-2006]
 California Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile Player of the Year: 6th Man of the Year (2006) 

Alex Thompson

Alex Thompson  [2004-2006]

Justin Wieck

Justin Wieck  [2004-2006]

Dan Bohall

Dan Bohall  [2005-2008]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Kurt Looby

Kurt Looby  [2005-2008]
 Antigua Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Missing photo for Josh Crawford

Josh Crawford  [2006-2007]

Justin Johnson

Justin Johnson  [2006-2008]
 Texas Hawkeye Sports Profile 

David Palmer

David Palmer  [2006-2009]
 Tennessee Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Missing photo for Tyler Smith

Tyler Smith  [2006-2007]

Cyrus Tate

Cyrus Tate  [2006-2009]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Missing photo for Brett Wessels

Brett Wessels  [2006-2007]
 Iowa Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Jarryd Cole

Jarryd Cole  [2007-2011]
 Missouri Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter LinkedIn 

Jake Kelly

Jake Kelly  [2007-2009]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Jeff Peterson

Jeff Peterson  [2007-2009]
 Maryland Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Devan Bawinkel

Devan Bawinkel  [2008-2010]

Missing photo for Andrew Brommer

Andrew Brommer  [2008-2012]

Aaron Fuller

Aaron Fuller  [2008-2010]
 Arizona Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile All Conference: Honorable Mention (2010) 

Matt Gatens

Matt Gatens  [2008-2012]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter LinkedIn All Conference: Academic (2010, 2012) 

Anthony Tucker

Anthony Tucker  [2008-2010]
 Minnesota Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Missing photo for Devon Archie

Devon Archie  [2009-2012]

Missing photo for Bryce  Cartwright

Bryce Cartwright  [2009-2012]

Missing photo for Brennan Cougill

Brennan Cougill  [2009-2010]

John Lickliter

John Lickliter  [2009-2010]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Eric May

Eric May  [2009-2013]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Missing photo for Cody Cox

Cody Cox  [2010-2012]

Kyle Denning

Kyle Denning  [2010-2015]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Devyn Marble

Devyn Marble  [2010-2014]
 Michigan Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: First Team (2014), 3rd Team (2013) All American: 2nd Team (2014) Drafted in Round 2 

Zach McCabe

Zach McCabe  [2010-2014]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Missing photo for Cully Payne

Cully Payne  [2010-2012]

Missing photo for Jordan Stoermer

Jordan Stoermer  [2010-2011]
 Iowa Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Missing photo for Darius Stokes

Darius Stokes  [2010-2014]

Missing photo for Branden Stubbs

Branden Stubbs  [2010-2012]
 Iowa Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Missing photo for Melsahn Basabe

Melsahn Basabe  [2011-2015]
 New York 

Missing photo for Stephen McCarty

Stephen McCarty  [2011-2012]

Josh Oglesby

Josh Oglesby  [2011-2015]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Missing photo for Gabriel  Olaseni

Gabriel Olaseni  [2011-2015]

Missing photo for Christopher Rickert

Christopher Rickert  [2011-2013]
 Iowa Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Aaron White

Aaron White  [2011-2015]
 Ohio Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 1st Team (2015), 3rd Team (2014) Drafted in Round 2 

Anthony Clemmons

Anthony Clemmons  [2012-2016]
 Michigan Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Mike Gesell

Mike Gesell  [2012-2016]
 Nebraska Personal sites and NIL pages Hawkeye Sports Profile All Conference: Honorable mention (2016), Academic (2014, 2015, 2016)  All American: Academic 2nd Team (2016), Academic 3rd Team (2015) 

Missing photo for Pat Ingram

Pat Ingram  [2012-2013]

Missing photo for Kyle Meyer

Kyle Meyer  [2012-2014]

Jarrod Uthoff

Jarrod Uthoff  [2012-2016]
 Iowa Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Adam Woodbury

Adam Woodbury  [2012-2016]
 Iowa Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile LinkedIn All Conference: Honorable Mention (2016), Academic (2014, 2015, 2016) 

Peter Jok

Peter Jok  [2013-2017]
 Iowa Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile South Sudan (2024) 

Okechukwu 'Okey' Ukah

Okechukwu 'Okey' Ukah  [2013-2016]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Brady Ellingson

Brady Ellingson  [2014-2018]
 Wisconsin Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter LinkedIn 

Missing photo for Charlie Rose

Charlie Rose  [2014-2018]
 Illinois Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Dom Uhl

Dom Uhl  [2014-2018]
 New Jersey Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Nicholas Baer

Nicholas Baer  [2015-2019]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter LinkedIn Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) All Conference: Academic (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) 

Missing photo for Andrew  Fleming

Andrew Fleming  [2015-2016]

Missing photo for Michael  Soukup

Michael Soukup  [2015-2016]
 Illinois Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Missing photo for Steven  Soukup

Steven Soukup  [2015-2016]
 Illinois Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Missing photo for Ahmad Wagner

Ahmad Wagner  [2015-2018]

Missing photo for Christian  Williams

Christian Williams  [2015-2017]

Jordan Bohannon

Jordan Bohannon  [2016-2022]
 Iowa Personal sites and NIL pages Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 3rd Team (2019), Honorable Mention (2018, 2021, 2022), Freshman (2017) 

Tyler Cook

Tyler Cook  [2016-2019]
 Missouri Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 2nd Team (2019), Honorable Mention (2018) 

Missing photo for Maishe Dailey

Maishe Dailey  [2016-2019]

Ryan Kriener

Ryan Kriener  [2016-2020]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Missing photo for Cordell  Pemsl

Cordell Pemsl  [2016-2020]

Michael Baer

Michael Baer  [2017-2021]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) All Conference: Academic (2019, 2020, 2021) 

Luka Garza

Luka Garza  [2017-2021]
 DC Personal sites and NIL pages Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter LinkedIn All Conference: First Team (2020, 2021) Player of the Year: Unanimous National Player of the Year (2021), Big Ten (2020, 2021), National Player of the Year - Multiple Outlets (2020) All American: Unanimous First Team (2020, 2021) Drafted in Round 2 

Connor McCaffery

Connor McCaffery  [2017-2023]
 Iowa Personal sites and NIL pages Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: Honorable Mention (2023), Academic (2019-2023) 

Jack Nunge

Jack Nunge  [2017-2021]
 Indiana Personal sites and NIL pages Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Riley Till

Riley Till  [2017-2020]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile LinkedIn Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Austin Ash

Austin Ash  [2018-2022]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Joe Wieskamp

Joe Wieskamp  [2018-2021]
 Iowa Personal sites and NIL pages Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 2nd Team (2021), 3rd Team (2020), Freshman Team (2019) Drafted in Round 2 

Bakari Evelyn

Bakari Evelyn  [2019-2020]
 Arizona Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter LinkedIn 

CJ Fredrick

CJ Fredrick  [2019-2021]
 Ohio Hawkeye Sports Profile All Conference: Honorable Mention (2021), All-Freshman (2021) 

Patrick McCaffery

Patrick McCaffery  [2019-2024]
 Iowa Personal sites and NIL pages Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Joe Touissant

Joe Touissant  [2019-2022]
 New York Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Kris Murray

Kris Murray  [2020-2023]
 Iowa Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 1st Team (2023) All American: 3rd Team (2023) Drafted in Round 1 

Keegan Murray

Keegan Murray  [2020-2022]
 Iowa Personal sites and NIL pages Hawkeye Sports Profile All Conference: 1st Team (2022) All American: 1st Team (2022) Drafted in Round 1 

Josh Ogundele

Josh Ogundele  [2020-2023]
 England Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins  [2020-2024]
 Indiana Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: Honorable Mention (2023), 2nd Team (2024) 

Ahron Ulis

Ahron Ulis  [2020-2023]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Carter Kingsbury

Carter Kingsbury  [2021-2025]
 Nebraska Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Missing photo for Luc Laketa

Luc Laketa  [2021-2025]
 Michigan Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Riley Mulvey

Riley Mulvey  [2021-2025]
 New York Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Filip Rebraca

Filip Rebraca  [2021-2023]
 Massachusetts Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 3rd Team (2023) 

Payton Sandfort

Payton Sandfort  [2021-2025]
 Iowa Personal sites and NIL pages Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter Player of the Year: Sixth Man of the Year (2023) 

Dasonte Bowen

Dasonte Bowen  [2022-2024]
 Massachusetts  Twitter 

Josh Dix

Josh Dix  [2022-2025]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Missing photo for Dante Eldridge

Dante Eldridge  [2022-2023]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Missing photo for Amarion Nimmers

Amarion Nimmers  [2022-2023]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Even Brauns

Even Brauns  [2023-2025]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Ladji Dembele

Ladji Dembele  [2023-2025]
 New Jersey Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Owen Freeman

Owen Freeman  [2023-2025]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter Player of the Year: Freshman (2024) 

Brock Harding

Brock Harding  [2023-2025]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Missing photo for Spencer Hutchison

Spencer Hutchison  [2023-2024]
 Texas Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Ben Krikke

Ben Krikke  [2023-2024]
 Alberta Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Pryce Sandfort

Pryce Sandfort  [2023-2025]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Missing photo for Trey Buchanan

Trey Buchanan  [2024-2025]
 Indiana Hawkeye Sports Profile Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Jacob Koch

Jacob Koch  [2024-2025]
 Iowa Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Missing photo for Cooper Koch

Cooper Koch  [2024-2025]
 Illinois Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Missing photo for Chris Tadjo

Chris Tadjo  [2024-2025]
 Quebec Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Drew Thelwell

Drew Thelwell  [2024-2025]
 Florida Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Seydou Traore

Seydou Traore  [2024-2025]
 New York Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Missing photo for Isaiah Johnson-Arigu

Isaiah Johnson-Arigu  [2025-2026]

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