2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 13 - 8
(11 games remaining)

 2024-2025 WBB Record: 15 - 7
(8 games remaining)

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833 highlight videos and 684 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 6,064 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1920 players and 120 coaches.

2/4/2025 Basketball vs  Purdue

2/6/2025 Women's Basketball @  Minnesota

2/7/2025 Wrestling vs  Maryland

Check back after the game for videos! View all upcoming games or buy tickets (all sports)



We are building out this page quickly so check back daily for new players. They are being added ad-hoc, no particular rhyme or reason other than something I stumbled upon, or someone really popular, or in the recent news, or someone of personal interest to me. Some research takes me down a "rabbit hole" that uncovers some amazing information. My intent is to list almost every letterwinner and significant contributor (maybe because of what they did after their playing days or off the field), but that will take years to complete. As the list grows, we'll also improve the search and filtering to make it easier to find players. If you'd like to help, contact us to learn more about some paid work. We need help taking the various biographies and some research, and consolidating them down into essential information and not just a copy/paste from another site. We'll definitely take requests if you have a favorite or important player not listed yet. If you personally are a former player, I'm happy to add or revise your profile (as you have the best and most correct information), just contact me.

Detailed Filter
  NIL:   Walk-On:   All-Conf:   POY:   All-Am:   NCAA HOF:
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NIL = Name Image and Likeness, POY = Player of the Year, All-Am = All-American, HOF = Hall of Fame
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Arthur Cox

Arthur Cox  [1889-1890]

Lloyd Elliott

Lloyd Elliott  [1889-1893]

Missing photo for Andrew Gorrell

Andrew Gorrell  [1889-1889]

Missing photo for Edward Lewis

Edward Lewis  [1889-1889]

Frank Pierce

Frank Pierce  [1889-1891]

Milton Powers

Milton Powers  [1889-1890]

Martin Sampson

Martin Sampson  [1889-1890]

Allen Sanford

Allen Sanford  [1889-1892]

Arthur 'A.G.' Smith

Arthur 'A.G.' Smith  [1889-1890]

Michael Balliet

Michael Balliet  [1890-1890]

William Bremner

William Bremner  [1890-1898]

James Crossley

James Crossley  [1890-1890]

F.H. Cutler

F.H. Cutler  [1890-1890]

Albert Heald

Albert Heald  [1890-1890]

David Knapp

David Knapp  [1890-1890]

Matthew McEniry

Matthew McEniry  [1890-1890]

Fred Neal

Fred Neal  [1890-1890]

Charles Smeltzer

Charles Smeltzer  [1890-1890]

Missing photo for Charles Bailey

Charles Bailey  [1891-1891]

Missing photo for Charles Dutcher

Charles Dutcher  [1891-1891]

Missing photo for William Ferren

William Ferren  [1891-1891]

Missing photo for Burt German

Burt German  [1891-1891]

Missing photo for Shelley Hall

Shelley Hall  [1891-1891]

Missing photo for Frank Stiles

Frank Stiles  [1891-1892]

Missing photo for Frank Woolston

Frank Woolston  [1891-1892]

Missing photo for Benson Wright

Benson Wright  [1891-1891]

Missing photo for Charles Aldrich

Charles Aldrich  [1892-1894]

Missing photo for Fred Blair

Fred Blair  [1892-1892]

Missing photo for Carl Dawson

Carl Dawson  [1892-1892]

Missing photo for Charles Gillette

Charles Gillette  [1892-1892]

Missing photo for John Hull

John Hull  [1892-1892]

Missing photo for Eliza Johnson

Eliza Johnson  [1892-1892]

Missing photo for Harl Myers

Harl Myers  [1892-1893]

Missing photo for George Rigg

George Rigg  [1892-1892]

Missing photo for Prince Sawyer

Prince Sawyer  [1892-1894]

Missing photo for George Shambaugh

George Shambaugh  [1892-1892]

Missing photo for Samuel Ure

Samuel Ure  [1892-1892]

Missing photo for Peter VanOosterhout

Peter VanOosterhout  [1892-1893]

Missing photo for Philip Zollman

Philip Zollman  [1892-1892]

Missing photo for Joseph Allen

Joseph Allen  [1893-1894]

Missing photo for Spencer Carr

Spencer Carr  [1893-1893]

Missing photo for William Collins

William Collins  [1893-1894]

Missing photo for John Hess

John Hess  [1893-1894]

Missing photo for Clarence Ingersoll

Clarence Ingersoll  [1893-1894]

Missing photo for Victor Littig

Victor Littig  [1893-1894]

Missing photo for Irving Pritchard

Irving Pritchard  [1893-1893]

Missing photo for Leonard Robinson

Leonard Robinson  [1893-1893]

Missing photo for Alfred Rogers

Alfred Rogers  [1893-1893]

Missing photo for William Tyrrell

William Tyrrell  [1893-1893]

Missing photo for Edward S. White

Edward S. White  [1893-1893]

Missing photo for Clymer Coldren

Clymer Coldren  [1894-1894]

Missing photo for Stevens Coldren

Stevens Coldren  [1894-1895]

Missing photo for Willard Converse

Willard Converse  [1894-1894]

Missing photo for Frank Gusolis

Frank Gusolis  [1894-1894]

Missing photo for Robert Hayes

Robert Hayes  [1894-1894]

Missing photo for Carl Herrig

Carl Herrig  [1894-1894]

Missing photo for Iver Iverson

Iver Iverson  [1894-1896]

Missing photo for Richard Kepler

Richard Kepler  [1894-1895]

Missing photo for Kalita Leighton

Kalita Leighton  [1894-1896]

Missing photo for Michael McKinley

Michael McKinley  [1894-1894]

Missing photo for Hermon Williams

Hermon Williams  [1894-1894]

Missing photo for William Allison

William Allison  [1895-1895]

Missing photo for Paul Coldren

Paul Coldren  [1895-1896]

Missing photo for Elmer Cutting

Elmer Cutting  [1895-1895]

Missing photo for Charles Edmonds

Charles Edmonds  [1895-1896]

Missing photo for Richard Gaines

Richard Gaines  [1895-1896]

Missing photo for John Gardner

John Gardner  [1895-1897]

Missing photo for Samuel Hobbs

Samuel Hobbs  [1895-1898]

Frank Kinney Holbrook

Frank Kinney Holbrook  [1895-1896]
 Iowa Wikipedia U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Ernest Maine

Ernest Maine  [1895-1895]

Missing photo for Howard Powers

Howard Powers  [1895-1895]

Missing photo for James Stanton

James Stanton  [1895-1896]

Missing photo for Charles Thomas

Charles Thomas  [1895-1896]

Missing photo for James C. Walker

James C. Walker  [1895-1897]

Missing photo for Ralph Blackmore

Ralph Blackmore  [1896-1898]

Missing photo for Glen Greenwood

Glen Greenwood  [1896-1896]

Missing photo for Harry McNeil

Harry McNeil  [1896-1896]

Missing photo for William Chase

William Chase  [1897-1897]

Missing photo for Moray Eby

Moray Eby  [1897-1900]

Missing photo for John Griffith

John Griffith  [1897-1900]

Missing photo for William F. Kelly

William F. Kelly  [1897-1897]

Missing photo for Theodore Klingenberg

Theodore Klingenberg  [1897-1897]

Missing photo for William Lamerton

William Lamerton  [1897-1897]

Missing photo for Melvin Meister

Melvin Meister  [1897-1897]

Missing photo for Charles Wright

Charles Wright  [1897-1897]

Missing photo for Mark Baker

Mark Baker  [1898-1898]

Missing photo for Ausman Blackmore

Ausman Blackmore  [1898-1898]

Missing photo for James Brockway

James Brockway  [1898-1900]

Missing photo for Emmett Burrier

Emmett Burrier  [1898-1900]

Missing photo for William Coast

William Coast  [1898-1898]

Missing photo for Oren Deems

Oren Deems  [1898-1898]

Missing photo for George Egan

George Egan  [1898-1898]

Missing photo for Frank Meggers

Frank Meggers  [1898-1899]

Ray 'Buck' Morton

Ray 'Buck' Morton  [1898-1900]

Missing photo for Lawrence Pence

Lawrence Pence  [1898-1898]

Joseph Warner

Joseph Warner  [1898-1900]

Samuel 'Clyde' Williams

Samuel 'Clyde' Williams  [1898-1901]
 Iowa Wikipedia Player of the Year: Top Quarterback (1899) All American: 1st Team (1900), 3rd Team (1899) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Fred Williams

Fred Williams  [1898-1898]

Missing photo for Preston Coast

Preston Coast  [1899-1899]

Willis 'Billy' Edson

Willis 'Billy' Edson  [1899-1900]

Missing photo for Lloyd Howell

Lloyd Howell  [1899-1899]

Missing photo for Bert Watters

Bert Watters  [1899-1903]

Missing photo for George Coulthard

George Coulthard  [1900-1903]

Missing photo for Charles Dye

Charles Dye  [1900-1900]

Missing photo for Asher Ely

Asher Ely  [1900-1900]

Missing photo for Ernest Little

Ernest Little  [1900-1900]

Missing photo for Frank Siberts

Frank Siberts  [1900-1902]

Missing photo for John Berry

John Berry  [1901-1904]

Missing photo for Charles Briggs

Charles Briggs  [1901-1901]

Missing photo for Fred Buckley

Fred Buckley  [1901-1903]

Missing photo for Dwight Griffith

Dwight Griffith  [1901-1904]

Missing photo for Vane Herbert

Vane Herbert  [1901-1901]

Missing photo for Henry Hollenbeck

Henry Hollenbeck  [1901-1902]

Missing photo for Nyle Jones

Nyle Jones  [1901-1904]

Missing photo for Clarence Macy

Clarence Macy  [1901-1901]

Missing photo for George Maresh

George Maresh  [1901-1901]

Missing photo for P.B. Smith

P.B. Smith  [1901-1901]

Missing photo for Frank Weiland

Frank Weiland  [1901-1901]

Missing photo for Louis Donovan

Louis Donovan  [1902-1903]

Missing photo for H.E. Ochiltree

H.E. Ochiltree  [1902-1902]

Missing photo for James H. Walker

James H. Walker  [1902-1902]

George Allen

George Allen  [1903-1906]

Missing photo for William Atkinson

William Atkinson  [1903-1904]

Missing photo for Roy Buckley

Roy Buckley  [1903-1903]

Missing photo for Frank Gibbs

Frank Gibbs  [1903-1903]

Missing photo for Albert Johnston

Albert Johnston  [1903-1903]

Maury Kent

Maury Kent  [1903-1906]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Earle McGowen

Earle McGowen  [1903-1905]

Fred Schwin

Fred Schwin  [1903-1905]
 Iowa All Conference: 1903 

Jack Streff

Jack Streff  [1903-1906]

Missing photo for Charles Terrell

Charles Terrell  [1903-1903]

Roy Washburn

Roy Washburn  [1903-1906]

Missing photo for Glen Wilkins

Glen Wilkins  [1903-1903]

Missing photo for Andrew Chalmers

Andrew Chalmers  [1904-1905]

Missing photo for R.E. Jorden

R.E. Jorden  [1904-1904]

Missing photo for Karl Knapp

Karl Knapp  [1904-1904]

Missing photo for J.F. Lee

J.F. Lee  [1904-1904]

Missing photo for Fred Moore

Fred Moore  [1904-1905]

Bernard 'Beany' Murphy

Bernard 'Beany' Murphy  [1904-1907]

Merle Rockwood

Merle Rockwood  [1904-1907]

Missing photo for Walter Stoltenberg

Walter Stoltenberg  [1904-1904]

Roy White

Roy White  [1904-1907]

Missing photo for Edward H. White

Edward H. White  [1904-1904]

William 'Bill' Carberry

William 'Bill' Carberry  [1905-1908]

Benjamin Collins

Benjamin Collins  [1905-1909]

Missing photo for Thomas Green

Thomas Green  [1905-1905]

Irving Hastings

Irving Hastings  [1905-1908]

Carrol 'Chick' Kirk

Carrol 'Chick' Kirk  [1905-1908]

Missing photo for Carl Narum

Carl Narum  [1905-1905]

Missing photo for Earl Seidel

Earl Seidel  [1905-1905]

Missing photo for William Tupper

William Tupper  [1905-1905]

Howard Bateman

Howard Bateman  [1906-1906]

Edward 'Pete' Elliott

Edward 'Pete' Elliott  [1906-1907]

Carl Fritzel

Carl Fritzel  [1906-1907]

Charles 'Archie' Hazard

Charles 'Archie' Hazard  [1906-1909]

Will Knowlton

Will Knowlton  [1906-1907]

William McFadden

William McFadden  [1906-1906]

Arthur Thompson

Arthur Thompson  [1906-1906]

Missing photo for Francis Brugman

Francis Brugman  [1907-1907]

Missing photo for Edward Connor

Edward Connor  [1907-1907]

Missing photo for Raymond Gross

Raymond Gross  [1907-1909]

Missing photo for John Jewell

John Jewell  [1907-1907]

Missing photo for Aaron Seidel

Aaron Seidel  [1907-1908]

Walter 'Stub' Stewart

Walter 'Stub' Stewart  [1907-1909]
 All Conference: 2nd Team (1909) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Isaac Stutsman

Isaac Stutsman  [1907-1908]

Missing photo for Ross Comly

Ross Comly  [1908-1908]

Missing photo for Joseph Fee

Joseph Fee  [1908-1909]

Missing photo for Mike Hyland

Mike Hyland  [1908-1910]

Missing photo for James Murphy, Sr.

James Murphy, Sr.  [1908-1911]

Missing photo for James Perrine

James Perrine  [1908-1908]

Archie Alexander

Archie Alexander  [1909-1911]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Charles Bell

Charles Bell  [1909-1909]

Paul Curry

Paul Curry  [1909-1912]

Missing photo for Walter Dyer

Walter Dyer  [1909-1909]

Missing photo for James Ehret

James Ehret  [1909-1909]

Missing photo for Thomas Hanlon

Thomas Hanlon  [1909-1909]

Missing photo for Henry Hanson

Henry Hanson  [1909-1912]

Missing photo for Walter Kresensky

Walter Kresensky  [1909-1909]

Willis 'Fat' O'Brien

Willis 'Fat' O'Brien  [1909-1911]

Missing photo for Oscar Banton

Oscar Banton  [1910-1911]

Missing photo for George Buckley

George Buckley  [1910-1912]

Missing photo for Homer Clemons

Homer Clemons  [1910-1912]

Missing photo for Hans Hoerlein

Hans Hoerlein  [1910-1910]

Archie 'Bunt' Kirk

Archie 'Bunt' Kirk  [1910-1914]

Ralph McGinnis

Ralph McGinnis  [1910-1913]

Missing photo for Milo Neidig

Milo Neidig  [1910-1910]

Missing photo for John Ney

John Ney  [1910-1911]

Missing photo for Maurice Repass

Maurice Repass  [1910-1910]

Missing photo for Floyd Thomas

Floyd Thomas  [1910-1910]

Jim Trickey

Jim Trickey  [1910-1912]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1912) All American: 1st Team (1912) 

Missing photo for Seth Weeks

Seth Weeks  [1910-1910]

Missing photo for Burton Baird

Burton Baird  [1911-1911]

Joseph 'Joe' Carberry

Joseph 'Joe' Carberry  [1911-1914]

Missing photo for Charles Meloy

Charles Meloy  [1911-1912]

Missing photo for Walter Penningroth

Walter Penningroth  [1911-1913]

Herman Von Lackum

Herman Von Lackum  [1911-1912]

Irving 'Stub' Barron

Irving 'Stub' Barron  [1912-1915]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 2nd Team (1915), Honorable Mention (1914), 1st Place (1916) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Leo Dick

Leo Dick  [1912-1913]

Missing photo for Arthur Gunderson

Arthur Gunderson  [1912-1914]

Max Houghton

Max Houghton  [1912-1914]

Charles 'Poss' Parsons

Charles 'Poss' Parsons  [1912-1914]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Harold Van Meter

Harold Van Meter  [1912-1912]

Missing photo for Carl T. Bowen

Carl T. Bowen  [1913-1913]

Missing photo for Carl Brueckner

Carl Brueckner  [1913-1914]

Samuel 'Sammy' Gross

Samuel 'Sammy' Gross  [1913-1915]

Missing photo for Max Wilson

Max Wilson  [1913-1915]

John Elwood 'Waddy' Davis

John Elwood 'Waddy' Davis  [1914-1917]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1916 and 1917 

Missing photo for Earl DeNio

Earl DeNio  [1914-1914]

Missing photo for William Donnelly

William Donnelly  [1914-1918]

Missing photo for Herman Garretson

Herman Garretson  [1914-1915]

Missing photo for Grover Jacobsen

Grover Jacobsen  [1914-1915]

Missing photo for Joseph Kerwick

Joseph Kerwick  [1914-1915]

Missing photo for Ernest Willis

Ernest Willis  [1914-1914]

Missing photo for James Blackburn

James Blackburn  [1915-1915]

Missing photo for Clifton Bowlsby

Clifton Bowlsby  [1915-1915]

Missing photo for Floyd Duncan

Floyd Duncan  [1915-1916]

Missing photo for Robert Fosdick

Robert Fosdick  [1915-1916]

Missing photo for Frank Grubb

Frank Grubb  [1915-1916]

Missing photo for George Holmes

George Holmes  [1915-1915]

Charles 'Chuck' Laun

Charles 'Chuck' Laun  [1915-1917]

Missing photo for Howard McKee

Howard McKee  [1915-1923]

Missing photo for Otho Mendenhall

Otho Mendenhall  [1915-1915]

Fred Becker

Fred Becker  [1916-1916]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1916) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Harry Hunzelman

Harry Hunzelman  [1916-1919]

Missing photo for Albert Jenkins

Albert Jenkins  [1916-1917]

Missing photo for Leo Kelly

Leo Kelly  [1916-1917]

Missing photo for Leland Mendenhall

Leland Mendenhall  [1916-1916]

Ronald Reed

Ronald Reed  [1916-1918]

Missing photo for Homer Scott

Homer Scott  [1916-1918]

Orle Triplett

Orle Triplett  [1916-1917]

Missing photo for Guido Wyland

Guido Wyland  [1916-1916]

Missing photo for John Bleeker

John Bleeker  [1917-1917]

Missing photo for Lawrence Block

Lawrence Block  [1917-1920]

Missing photo for James Gallagher

James Gallagher  [1917-1917]

Missing photo for Festus Griffin

Festus Griffin  [1917-1918]

Missing photo for Walter Jewell

Walter Jewell  [1917-1917]

Missing photo for Frank Kriz

Frank Kriz  [1917-1917]

Missing photo for Lee Nubent

Lee Nubent  [1917-1917]

Missing photo for Frank Peterson

Frank Peterson  [1917-1917]

Missing photo for Arthur Pyles

Arthur Pyles  [1917-1919]

Missing photo for John VonLackum

John VonLackum  [1917-1917]

Missing photo for Joe Whipka

Joe Whipka  [1917-1917]

Lester Belding

Lester Belding  [1918-1921]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1919, 1920, 1921) All American: Consensus 1st Team (1919), 2nd Team (1920, 1921) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Glenn Devine

Glenn Devine  [1918-1921]

John Heldt

John Heldt  [1918-1921]

Missing photo for William S.  Kelly

William S. Kelly  [1918-1920]

Missing photo for William S. Kelly

William S. Kelly  [1918-1920]

Missing photo for Fred Lohman

Fred Lohman  [1918-1919]

Missing photo for Charles Mockmore

Charles Mockmore  [1918-1919]

Missing photo for George Scanlon

George Scanlon  [1918-1918]

Duke Slater

Duke Slater  [1918-1921]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: First Team (1919, 1920 and 1921) All American: 2nd Team (1919), First Team (1921) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Football Hall of Fame 7 time Pro Bowler NFL Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Joseph Sykes

Joseph Sykes  [1918-1920]

Missing photo for John Synhorst

John Synhorst  [1918-1918]

Missing photo for Clyde Charlton

Clyde Charlton  [1919-1919]

Aubrey Devine

Aubrey Devine  [1919-1921]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1919, 1920, 1921) All American: Consensus 1st team (1921) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Football Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Robert Kaufmann

Robert Kaufmann  [1919-1920]

Missing photo for Guerdon Parker

Guerdon Parker  [1919-1921]

Missing photo for Franklin Jaqua

Franklin Jaqua  [1920-1920]

Missing photo for Max Kadesky

Max Kadesky  [1920-1922]

Gordon Locke

Gordon Locke  [1920-1922]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1921, 1922) All American: 1st Team (1921, 1922) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Football Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Earl Longley

Earl Longley  [1920-1920]

Missing photo for Chester Mead

Chester Mead  [1920-1922]

Paul Minick

Paul Minick  [1920-1922]

Missing photo for Gordon Rath

Gordon Rath  [1920-1920]

Missing photo for V. Craven Shuttleworth

V. Craven Shuttleworth  [1920-1922]

Missing photo for George Thompson

George Thompson  [1920-1922]

Missing photo for Leo Kriz

Leo Kriz  [1921-1923]

Missing photo for Glenn Miller

Glenn Miller  [1921-1923]

Missing photo for Lowell Otte

Lowell Otte  [1921-1924]

Missing photo for Karl Engeldiner

Karl Engeldiner  [1922-1922]

Missing photo for Darrell Fischer

Darrell Fischer  [1922-1924]

Westley Fry

Westley Fry  [1922-1925]

Missing photo for Donald Graham

Donald Graham  [1922-1925]

Hal Griffen

Hal Griffen  [1922-1925]

Missing photo for John Hancock

John Hancock  [1922-1924]

Missing photo for Scott McIntyre

Scott McIntyre  [1922-1923]

Missing photo for Clement Nugent

Clement Nugent  [1922-1922]

Missing photo for Chris Palmer

Chris Palmer  [1922-1923]

Missing photo for Leland Parkin

Leland Parkin  [1922-1924]

Missing photo for Raymond Dauber

Raymond Dauber  [1923-1925]

Missing photo for Bill Fleckenstein

Bill Fleckenstein  [1923-1924]

Missing photo for Paul Kraguski

Paul Kraguski  [1923-1925]

Missing photo for Forrest Olson

Forrest Olson  [1923-1926]

Missing photo for Richard Romey

Richard Romey  [1923-1925]

Missing photo for Wilbur Scantlebury

Wilbur Scantlebury  [1923-1924]

John Schirmer

John Schirmer  [1923-1925]

Missing photo for Ledrue Galloway

Ledrue Galloway  [1924-1924]

Leonard Raffensperger

Leonard Raffensperger  [1924-1925]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Richard 'Dick' Brown

Richard 'Dick' Brown  [1925-1928]

Missing photo for Don Hines

Don Hines  [1925-1926]

Emerson Nelson

Emerson Nelson  [1925-1927]
 U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Harry Rice

Harry Rice  [1925-1926]

Missing photo for Don Rodawig

Don Rodawig  [1925-1925]

Missing photo for Paul Smith

Paul Smith  [1925-1926]

Missing photo for Paul Armil

Paul Armil  [1926-1928]

Missing photo for Harold 'Hal' Bradley, Sr.

Harold 'Hal' Bradley, Sr.  [1926-1926]
 Illinois Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Clar Byers

Clar Byers  [1926-1926]

Missing photo for Robert Chatterton

Robert Chatterton  [1926-1927]

Frank Cuhel

Frank Cuhel  [1926-1927]
 Iowa Wikipedia U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Lloyd Grimm

Lloyd Grimm  [1926-1928]

Missing photo for Ernest Jessen

Ernest Jessen  [1926-1928]

Charles O'Neal

Charles O'Neal  [1926-1927]

Missing photo for Marvin Schmidt

Marvin Schmidt  [1926-1927]

Missing photo for Ike Skelley

Ike Skelley  [1926-1926]

Missing photo for Don Smith

Don Smith  [1926-1927]

Missing photo for Carl Voltmer

Carl Voltmer  [1926-1926]

Missing photo for John Paul Yegge

John Paul Yegge  [1926-1927]

Missing photo for Earl Young

Earl Young  [1926-1927]

Missing photo for Oakley Carlsen

Oakley Carlsen  [1927-1928]

Missing photo for Clark Cooley

Clark Cooley  [1927-1927]

Missing photo for John Fuhrman

John Fuhrman  [1927-1929]

Willis Glassgow

Willis Glassgow  [1927-1929]
 Iowa Wikipedia Player of the Year: Big Ten MVP (1929) All American: 1st Team (1929) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Lorin Hagerty

Lorin Hagerty  [1927-1929]

Missing photo for Robert H. Moore

Robert H. Moore  [1927-1928]

Missing photo for Dennis Myers

Dennis Myers  [1927-1929]

Missing photo for Carl Pignatelli

Carl Pignatelli  [1927-1929]

Missing photo for Fred Roberts

Fred Roberts  [1927-1929]

Missing photo for Vincent Schleusner

Vincent Schleusner  [1927-1928]

Missing photo for Peter Westra

Peter Westra  [1927-1929]

Missing photo for Harold Ely

Harold Ely  [1928-1930]

Missing photo for Mike Farroh

Mike Farroh  [1928-1929]

Leo Jensvold

Leo Jensvold  [1928-1930]

Mayes McLain

Mayes McLain  [1928-1928]

Irving Nelson

Irving Nelson  [1928-1929]

Oran Pape

Oran Pape  [1928-1929]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Lawrence Reedquist

Lawrence Reedquist  [1928-1929]

Missing photo for Brice Thomas

Brice Thomas  [1928-1929]

Missing photo for Wendell Benjamin

Wendell Benjamin  [1929-1930]

Missing photo for Grover Higdon

Grover Higdon  [1929-1930]

Lloyd Jensvold

Lloyd Jensvold  [1929-1930]

Marcus Magnussen

Marcus Magnussen  [1929-1932]

Missing photo for Nick Mastrogany

Nick Mastrogany  [1929-1930]

Missing photo for George Rogge

George Rogge  [1929-1930]

Missing photo for Oliver Sansen

Oliver Sansen  [1929-1931]

Missing photo for Lyman Case

Lyman Case  [1930-1931]

Missing photo for James Dee

James Dee  [1930-1930]

Missing photo for Edward Dolly

Edward Dolly  [1930-1932]

Fred Geneva

Fred Geneva  [1930-1930]

Missing photo for Harold Hantelmann

Harold Hantelmann  [1930-1931]

Missing photo for Gerhard Hauge

Gerhard Hauge  [1930-1930]

Missing photo for Jim Hay

Jim Hay  [1930-1930]

Missing photo for Randall Hickman

Randall Hickman  [1930-1931]

Thomas W. Moore

Thomas W. Moore  [1930-1933]

Missing photo for Elmo Nelson

Elmo Nelson  [1930-1931]

Missing photo for Alexander Rogers

Alexander Rogers  [1930-1931]

Missing photo for Nelson Tompkins

Nelson Tompkins  [1930-1931]

Missing photo for John Warrington

John Warrington  [1930-1930]

Missing photo for James Willer

James Willer  [1930-1930]

Missing photo for Austin Akin

Austin Akin  [1931-1931]

Missing photo for Eugene Clearman

Eugene Clearman  [1931-1931]

Missing photo for Tullio DellaVedova

Tullio DellaVedova  [1931-1931]

Missing photo for Raymond Fisher

Raymond Fisher  [1931-1933]

Missing photo for Gerald Foster

Gerald Foster  [1931-1934]

Missing photo for Jerome Kriz

Jerome Kriz  [1931-1931]

Joe Laws

Joe Laws  [1931-1933]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1933) Player of the Year: Big Ten MVP (1933) All American: 2nd Team (1933) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 1939 

Missing photo for Robert Loufek

Robert Loufek  [1931-1932]

Missing photo for Sam Meltzer

Sam Meltzer  [1931-1931]

Missing photo for Francis Merten

Francis Merten  [1931-1931]

Howard Moffitt

Howard Moffitt  [1931-1932]

Missing photo for Loe Samuelson

Loe Samuelson  [1931-1932]

Missing photo for John Stutsman

John Stutsman  [1931-1932]

Missing photo for Harold Swaney

Harold Swaney  [1931-1933]

Missing photo for Philp Thurtle

Philp Thurtle  [1931-1931]

Missing photo for Kenneth Trickey

Kenneth Trickey  [1931-1931]

Missing photo for William Ash

William Ash  [1932-1934]

Missing photo for Voris Dickerson

Voris Dickerson  [1932-1932]

Missing photo for Don Dorsey

Don Dorsey  [1932-1932]

Missing photo for Wilmon Hass

Wilmon Hass  [1932-1932]

Missing photo for Lumir Kouba

Lumir Kouba  [1932-1932]

Missing photo for Howard Masden

Howard Masden  [1932-1932]

Missing photo for John Miller

John Miller  [1932-1932]

Missing photo for Bernard Page

Bernard Page  [1932-1934]

Missing photo for Lawrence Parsons

Lawrence Parsons  [1932-1932]

Missing photo for Fred Radloff

Fred Radloff  [1932-1934]

Francis 'Zud' Schammel

Francis 'Zud' Schammel  [1932-1933]
 Nebraska Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1933) All American: 1st Team (1933) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Christian 'Dutch' Schmidt

Christian 'Dutch' Schmidt  [1932-1932]

Missing photo for Herman Schneidman

Herman Schneidman  [1932-1934]

Missing photo for George Teyro

George Teyro  [1932-1934]

Dick Crayne

Dick Crayne  [1933-1935]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 2nd Team (1933, 1934, 1935) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 

Missing photo for Russell Fisher

Russell Fisher  [1933-1934]

Missing photo for Jack Gallagher

Jack Gallagher  [1933-1935]

Missing photo for Lloyd Hoffman

Lloyd Hoffman  [1933-1933]

Missing photo for Dwight Hoover

Dwight Hoover  [1933-1935]

Missing photo for Joe Richards

Joe Richards  [1933-1934]

Missing photo for Robert Rook

Robert Rook  [1933-1933]

Missing photo for William Secl

William Secl  [1933-1935]

Ozzie Simmons

Ozzie Simmons  [1933-1936]
 Texas Wikipedia Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) All Conference: 1st Team (1934, 1935) All American: 1st Team (1935), 2nd Team (1934) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Richard 'Dick' Anderson

Richard 'Dick' Anderson  [1934-1937]

Missing photo for Clarence Dee

Clarence Dee  [1934-1934]

Missing photo for Sheldon Gordenier

Sheldon Gordenier  [1934-1935]

Missing photo for Warren Haltom

Warren Haltom  [1934-1934]

Eugene 'Homer' Harris

Eugene 'Homer' Harris  [1934-1937]
 Washington Wikipedia All Conference: 1935-1937 U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for John Hild

John Hild  [1934-1936]

Missing photo for Frank Jakoubek

Frank Jakoubek  [1934-1936]

Robert Kelley

Robert Kelley  [1934-1938]

Missing photo for Marvin Kuhn

Marvin Kuhn  [1934-1934]

Bush Lamb

Bush Lamb  [1934-1937]

Bob Lannon

Bob Lannon  [1934-1937]
 South Dakota Drafted in Round 7 

Missing photo for Rudolph Leytze

Rudolph Leytze  [1934-1935]

Missing photo for Gordon Matson

Gordon Matson  [1934-1936]

Missing photo for Floyd McDowell

Floyd McDowell  [1934-1935]

Missing photo for Robert Moore

Robert Moore  [1934-1934]

Missing photo for Donald Nelson

Donald Nelson  [1934-1936]

Missing photo for Ted Osmaloski

Ted Osmaloski  [1934-1936]

Missing photo for Cornelius Walker

Cornelius Walker  [1934-1936]

Missing photo for Harold Webber

Harold Webber  [1934-1934]

Missing photo for Paul Akin

Paul Akin  [1935-1935]

Frank Balazs

Frank Balazs  [1935-1938]
 Illinois Wikipedia Drafted in Round 18 

Missing photo for Richard Bowlin

Richard Bowlin  [1935-1936]

Missing photo for Floyd DeHeer

Floyd DeHeer  [1935-1937]

Jack Eicherly

Jack Eicherly  [1935-1938]

Missing photo for Eugene Liggett

Eugene Liggett  [1935-1936]

Missing photo for Wayne Mason

Wayne Mason  [1935-1936]

Missing photo for Don Simmons

Don Simmons  [1935-1936]

Missing photo for Scott Wagler

Scott Wagler  [1935-1936]

Missing photo for Shipley Farroh

Shipley Farroh  [1936-1937]

Missing photo for Frank Gallagher

Frank Gallagher  [1936-1937]

Nile Kinnick

Nile Kinnick  [1936-1939]
 Nebraska Wikipedia All Conference: First Team (1937, 1939), Honorable Mention (1938) Player of the Year: Heisman Trophy (1939), Maxwell Award, Walter Camp Memorial Trophy, AP Male Athlete of the Year, Big Ten Player of the Year  (1939) All American: First Team (1939), 3rd Team (1937) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Football Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 2 

Missing photo for Emil Klumpar

Emil Klumpar  [1936-1937]

Missing photo for Fred Lindenmeyer

Fred Lindenmeyer  [1936-1937]

Henry Luebcke

Henry Luebcke  [1936-1940]
 Illinois Drafted in Round 22 

Edwin McLain

Edwin McLain  [1936-1939]

Missing photo for Glenn Olson

Glenn Olson  [1936-1938]

Missing photo for Robert Allen

Robert Allen  [1937-1938]

Bruno Andruska

Bruno Andruska  [1937-1940]

Missing photo for Charles Brady

Charles Brady  [1937-1938]

Russell Busk

Russell Busk  [1937-1939]

Floyd Dean

Floyd Dean  [1937-1939]

Mike Enich

Mike Enich  [1937-1940]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1940) All American: 1st Team (1940), 3rd Team (1939) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 12 

Richard 'Dick' Evans

Richard 'Dick' Evans  [1937-1939]

Bill Gallagher

Bill Gallagher  [1937-1940]

Max Hawkins

Max Hawkins  [1937-1940]

Missing photo for Robert Herman

Robert Herman  [1937-1937]

Missing photo for Charles Irvine

Charles Irvine  [1937-1938]

Missing photo for Wilbur Nead

Wilbur Nead  [1937-1938]

Kenneth 'Ken' Pettit

Kenneth 'Ken' Pettit  [1937-1940]

Erwin Prasse

Erwin Prasse  [1937-1939]
 Illinois Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1938, 1939) All American: 2nd Team (1939) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 11 

Missing photo for Frederick Smith

Frederick Smith  [1937-1938]

Carl Conrad

Carl Conrad  [1938-1939]

Al Couppee

Al Couppee  [1938-1941]
 Iowa Wikipedia U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 22 

Bill Green

Bill Green  [1938-1941]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 5 

James 'Ray' Murphy, Jr.

James 'Ray' Murphy, Jr.  [1938-1940]
 New York 

Missing photo for James Murphy, Jr.

James Murphy, Jr.  [1938-1940]

Jerry Niles

Jerry Niles  [1938-1945]

Jens Norgaard

Jens Norgaard  [1938-1939]

Missing photo for Cheter Poluga

Cheter Poluga  [1938-1938]

Herman Snider

Herman Snider  [1938-1940]

Charles Tollefson

Charles Tollefson  [1938-1940]
 South Dakota 

James J. 'Jim' Walker

James J. 'Jim' Walker  [1938-1941]
 Indiana Wikipedia All Conference: All-Big Ten (1941) All American: All-American (1941) 

Gerald Ankeny

Gerald Ankeny  [1939-1941]

Wallace 'Wally' Bergstrom

Wallace 'Wally' Bergstrom  [1939-1939]

Wilford 'Bill' Burkett

Wilford 'Bill' Burkett  [1939-1942]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 16 

Bill Diehl

Bill Diehl  [1939-1941]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 10 

Jack Edling

Jack Edling  [1939-1939]

George Frye

George Frye  [1939-1941]

Burdell Gilleard

Burdell Gilleard  [1939-1940]

Matt Miletich

Matt Miletich  [1939-1939]

Joseph Moore

Joseph Moore  [1939-1940]

Robert Otto

Robert Otto  [1939-1941]

Bill Parker

Bill Parker  [1939-1942]
 Iowa All Conference: 2nd Team (1942) All American: Honorable mention (1942) Drafted in Round 8 

Ben Trickey

Ben Trickey  [1939-1942]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 14 

Henry Vollenweider

Henry Vollenweider  [1939-1941]

James 'Jim' Youel

James 'Jim' Youel  [1939-1942]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson  [1940-1947]

Missing photo for Francis Curran

Francis Curran  [1940-1942]

Tom Farmer

Tom Farmer  [1940-1942]
 Iowa Wikipedia Drafted in Round 2 

Missing photo for John Maher

John Maher  [1940-1941]

Missing photo for William Stauss

William Stauss  [1940-1942]

Missing photo for Del Dickerhoff

Del Dickerhoff  [1941-1942]

Tom Hand

Tom Hand  [1941-1945]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 13 

Dick Hoerner

Dick Hoerner  [1941-1946]
 Iowa Wikipedia All American: All-American honors (1942 and 1946) Drafted in Round 17 1950 

Missing photo for Bus Mertes

Bus Mertes  [1941-1941]

Missing photo for Henry Miller

Henry Miller  [1941-1941]

Missing photo for Robert Penaluna

Robert Penaluna  [1941-1942]

Missing photo for John Staak

John Staak  [1941-1942]

Missing photo for Sam Vacanti

Sam Vacanti  [1941-1942]

Missing photo for William Barbour

William Barbour  [1942-1943]

Ted 'Duke' Curran

Ted 'Duke' Curran  [1942-1947]
 Illinois Drafted in Round 21 

Missing photo for James Ferguson

James Ferguson  [1942-1942]

Missing photo for Roger Kane

Roger Kane  [1942-1946]

Missing photo for James Keane

James Keane  [1942-1942]

Bob Lauterbach

Bob Lauterbach  [1942-1942]

Missing photo for Robert Liddy

Robert Liddy  [1942-1946]

Missing photo for Alfred Mannino

Alfred Mannino  [1942-1942]

Forrest Masterson

Forrest Masterson  [1942-1944]
 Drafted in Round 5 

Bruno Niedziela

Bruno Niedziela  [1942-1946]
 Illinois Drafted in Round 19 

Missing photo for Edsel Schweizer

Edsel Schweizer  [1942-1942]

Charles 'Chuck' Uknes

Charles 'Chuck' Uknes  [1942-1946]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 14 

Missing photo for Albert Urban

Albert Urban  [1942-1942]

Missing photo for Sam Vacanti

Sam Vacanti  [1942-1942]

Missing photo for Bob Yelton

Bob Yelton  [1942-1942]

Missing photo for Daryl Annis

Daryl Annis  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Bob Arzberger

Bob Arzberger  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Bill Baughman

Bill Baughman  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Charles Burkett

Charles Burkett  [1943-1943]

Jim Cozad

Jim Cozad  [1943-1948]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 11 

Missing photo for John Ford

John Ford  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Harry Frey

Harry Frey  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for William F. Gallagher

William F. Gallagher  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Paul Glasener

Paul Glasener  [1943-1943]

Joe Grothus

Joe Grothus  [1943-1948]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 17 

Joseph Howard

Joseph Howard  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for James Hudson

James Hudson  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Thomas Hughes

Thomas Hughes  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Robert Ireland

Robert Ireland  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Howard Larson

Howard Larson  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Richard Martin

Richard Martin  [1943-1943]

Stanley 'Stan' Mohrbacher

Stanley 'Stan' Mohrbacher  [1943-1944]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 3 

Missing photo for William Sangster

William Sangster  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Dan Sheehan

Dan Sheehan  [1943-1945]

Missing photo for Roger Stephens

Roger Stephens  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Henry Terrell

Henry Terrell  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Dale Thompson

Dale Thompson  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Harry Waugh

Harry Waugh  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for Paul Zaehringer

Paul Zaehringer  [1943-1943]

Missing photo for William Benskin

William Benskin  [1944-1944]

Missing photo for Herbert Byers

Herbert Byers  [1944-1944]

Missing photo for Clarence Cross

Clarence Cross  [1944-1944]

Missing photo for William Dallas

William Dallas  [1944-1944]

Missing photo for Paul Fagerlind

Paul Fagerlind  [1944-1945]

Missing photo for Bud Flood

Bud Flood  [1944-1944]

Jim Hansen

Jim Hansen  [1944-1944]

Lloyd Herwig

Lloyd Herwig  [1944-1944]

Missing photo for Ralph Katz

Ralph Katz  [1944-1945]

Missing photo for Jack Kelso

Jack Kelso  [1944-1947]

Missing photo for William Kersten

William Kersten  [1944-1951]

Missing photo for James Lagomarcino

James Lagomarcino  [1944-1944]

Missing photo for Russell McLaughlin

Russell McLaughlin  [1944-1944]

Ken Rose

Ken Rose  [1944-1944]

Nelson Smith

Nelson Smith  [1944-1945]

Missing photo for Robert Snyder

Robert Snyder  [1944-1948]

Don Winslow

Don Winslow  [1944-1949]
 Drafted in Round 9 

Richard 'Dick' Woodard

Richard 'Dick' Woodard  [1944-1948]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: Honorable Mention (1948) Drafted in Round 21 

Missing photo for Carl Bowen

Carl Bowen  [1945-1945]

Al DiMarco

Al DiMarco  [1945-1948]

Missing photo for Leon George

Leon George  [1945-1945]

Lou Ginsberg

Lou Ginsberg  [1945-1950]

Missing photo for Paul Golden

Paul Golden  [1945-1945]

Missing photo for Robert Gustafson

Robert Gustafson  [1945-1945]

Missing photo for Jack Hammond

Jack Hammond  [1945-1945]

Missing photo for Jack Hunter

Jack Hunter  [1945-1946]

Missing photo for Arthur Johnson

Arthur Johnson  [1945-1945]

Bill Kay

Bill Kay  [1945-1948]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1948), 3rd Team (1946) All American: 2nd Team (1948) Drafted in Round 4 

Missing photo for Harold Loehlein

Harold Loehlein  [1945-1945]

Missing photo for Ira Lund

Ira Lund  [1945-1945]

Missing photo for Obern Simons

Obern Simons  [1945-1945]

Missing photo for Wayne Spurbeck

Wayne Spurbeck  [1945-1945]

Missing photo for Wendell Weller

Wendell Weller  [1945-1945]

Ralph Woodard

Ralph Woodard  [1945-1949]

Earl Banks

Earl Banks  [1946-1949]
 Illinois Wikipedia All Conference: 1949 All American: 1949 College Football Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Del Bartells

Del Bartells  [1946-1946]

Missing photo for Russell Benda

Russell Benda  [1946-1947]

Ray Carlson

Ray Carlson  [1946-1948]

Dave Day

Dave Day  [1946-1946]

Jack Dittmer

Jack Dittmer  [1946-1949]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 2nd Team (1948) All American: Honorable Mention (1949) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Missing photo for Russell Fechter

Russell Fechter  [1946-1946]

Bob Geigel

Bob Geigel  [1946-1949]

Missing photo for Anthony Guzowski

Anthony Guzowski  [1946-1948]

Missing photo for Ronald Headington

Ronald Headington  [1946-1948]

Missing photo for Sherman Howard

Sherman Howard  [1946-1946]

Missing photo for Louis King, Jr.

Louis King, Jr.  [1946-1947]

Dick Laster

Dick Laster  [1946-1949]

Missing photo for James Lawrence

James Lawrence  [1946-1947]

Jim McKinstry

Jim McKinstry  [1946-1949]

Missing photo for Robert Phillips

Robert Phillips  [1946-1948]

Jim Shoaf

Jim Shoaf  [1946-1948]
 Pennsylvania Drafted in Round 27 

Herb Shoener

Herb Shoener  [1946-1947]
 Drafted in Round 31 

Harold 'Hal' Shoener

Harold 'Hal' Shoener  [1946-1947]
 Drafted in Round 23 

Bob Smith

Bob Smith  [1946-1947]
 Oklahoma Wikipedia Drafted in Round 24 1952 

Missing photo for John James Smith

John James Smith  [1946-1946]

Robert 'Bob' Sullivan

Robert 'Bob' Sullivan  [1946-1946]
 Drafted in Round 13 

Missing photo for John Tedore

John Tedore  [1946-1948]

Emlen Tunnell

Emlen Tunnell  [1946-1947]
 Pennsylvania Wikipedia U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 6 time All-Pro, played in 8 Pro Bowls NFL Hall of Fame 

Harold 'Hal' Bradley, Jr.

Harold 'Hal' Bradley, Jr.  [1947-1950]
 Illinois Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Joseph Byrd

Joseph Byrd  [1947-1947]

Glenn Drahn

Glenn Drahn  [1947-1950]
 Drafted in Round 25 

Missing photo for John Estes

John Estes  [1947-1947]

Jerold 'Jerry' Faske

Jerold 'Jerry' Faske  [1947-1950]
 Drafted in Round 30 

Missing photo for Quentin Kaisershot

Quentin Kaisershot  [1947-1949]

Missing photo for Robert McKenzie

Robert McKenzie  [1947-1949]

Missing photo for Robert Reynolds

Robert Reynolds  [1947-1947]

Missing photo for Robert Zender

Robert Zender  [1947-1947]

Duane Brandt

Duane Brandt  [1948-1951]

Donald Commack

Donald Commack  [1948-1951]

Ralph Doran

Ralph Doran  [1948-1948]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 25 

Missing photo for Donald Fryauf

Donald Fryauf  [1948-1948]

Missing photo for William F. Green

William F. Green  [1948-1950]

Missing photo for James Halliburton

James Halliburton  [1948-1948]

Missing photo for Robert Hoff

Robert Hoff  [1948-1950]

Hubert Johnston

Hubert Johnston  [1948-1951]
 West Virginia Drafted in Round 8 

Missing photo for Jack McDonnell

Jack McDonnell  [1948-1948]

Missing photo for Richard Meyer

Richard Meyer  [1948-1950]

Missing photo for Mearl Naber

Mearl Naber  [1948-1949]

Missing photo for Joseph Paulsen

Joseph Paulsen  [1948-1950]

John Towner

John Towner  [1948-1951]

Bernard Bennett

Bernard Bennett  [1949-1952]

Missing photo for Robert Bostwick

Robert Bostwick  [1949-1950]

Missing photo for Joe Bristol

Joe Bristol  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for Andrew Buntz

Andrew Buntz  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for Arnold Caplan

Arnold Caplan  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for Charles Denning

Charles Denning  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for David DeProspero

David DeProspero  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for Ron Fairchild

Ron Fairchild  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for Robert Lage

Robert Lage  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for Jerry Long

Jerry Long  [1949-1950]

Missing photo for Delbert Perrin

Delbert Perrin  [1949-1950]

Missing photo for Ronald Petersen

Ronald Petersen  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for Willam 'Bill' Quinby

Willam 'Bill' Quinby  [1949-1949]

William 'Bill' Reichardt

William 'Bill' Reichardt  [1949-1951]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1950, 1951) Player of the Year: Big Ten Player of the Year (Silver Football Award, 1951) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 7 

Missing photo for Donald Riley

Donald Riley  [1949-1951]

Fred Ruck

Fred Ruck  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for Peter Spanjers

Peter Spanjers  [1949-1952]

Missing photo for Austin Turner

Austin Turner  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for Robert Wilson

Robert Wilson  [1949-1951]

Missing photo for Donald A. Woodhause

Donald A. Woodhause  [1949-1950]

Missing photo for Donald E. Woodhouse

Donald E. Woodhouse  [1949-1949]

Missing photo for Donald Bjork

Donald Bjork  [1950-1950]

Burt Britzmann

Burt Britzmann  [1950-1952]

Bill Fenton

Bill Fenton  [1950-1953]

Jerry Hilgenberg

Jerry Hilgenberg  [1950-1953]
 Iowa Wikipedia Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) All Conference: All-Big Ten (1953) All American: 1st Team (1953) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 4 

Missing photo for Dudley Noble

Dudley Noble  [1950-1951]

Missing photo for James Sangster

James Sangster  [1950-1951]

Missing photo for Donald Swartzendruber

Donald Swartzendruber  [1950-1951]

George 'Binkey' Broeder

George 'Binkey' Broeder  [1951-1954]

Don Chelf

Don Chelf  [1951-1953]
 Iowa Wikipedia Drafted in Round 12 

Missing photo for Richard Frymire

Richard Frymire  [1951-1952]

John Hall

John Hall  [1951-1954]
 Illinois All Conference: 2nd Team (1954) Drafted in Round 3 

Missing photo for Jack Hess

Jack Hess  [1951-1952]

Missing photo for Andrew Hough

Andrew Hough  [1951-1953]

Missing photo for Edwin Lindsey

Edwin Lindsey  [1951-1953]

Louis 'Lou' Matykiewicz

Louis 'Lou' Matykiewicz  [1951-1954]
 Illinois LinkedIn Drafted in Round 20 

Missing photo for James Milani

James Milani  [1951-1952]

Missing photo for Robert A. Phillips

Robert A. Phillips  [1951-1953]

Missing photo for Harold Reister

Harold Reister  [1951-1952]

George 'Dusty' Rice

George 'Dusty' Rice  [1951-1953]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 16 

Robert Stearnes

Robert Stearnes  [1951-1954]

Missing photo for Lranzie Williams

Lranzie Williams  [1951-1951]

Missing photo for Charles Boothe

Charles Boothe  [1952-1953]

Missing photo for Jerry Clark

Jerry Clark  [1952-1953]

Bob Commings

Bob Commings  [1952-1957]
 Ohio Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Cameron Cummins

Cameron Cummins  [1952-1954]

Charles Daniels

Charles Daniels  [1952-1952]

Thomas Ellis

Thomas Ellis  [1952-1952]

James 'Jim' Freeman

James 'Jim' Freeman  [1952-1955]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 5 

Missing photo for James Hatch

James Hatch  [1952-1954]

Missing photo for Roy Hutchinson

Roy Hutchinson  [1952-1952]

Missing photo for Donald Inman

Donald Inman  [1952-1954]

Calvin Jones

Calvin Jones  [1952-1955]
 Ohio Wikipedia All Conference: First Team (1953, 1954 and 1955) Player of the Year: Outland Trophy for Top Lineman (1955) All American: First Team (1954 and 1955) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Football Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 9 

Missing photo for Paul Kemp

Paul Kemp  [1952-1953]

Bud Lawson

Bud Lawson  [1952-1954]

Lyle Leinbaugh

Lyle Leinbaugh  [1952-1953]

Eldean Matheson

Eldean Matheson  [1952-1955]

Dan McBride

Dan McBride  [1952-1952]

Missing photo for George Palmer

George Palmer  [1952-1952]

Missing photo for Emmett Sawyer

Emmett Sawyer  [1952-1952]

Rodger Swedberg

Rodger Swedberg  [1952-1955]
 Illinois All Conference: 2nd Team (1954) Drafted in Round 12 

Eddie Vincent

Eddie Vincent  [1952-1955]
 Ohio Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1955), 2nd Team (1954) Drafted in Round 6 

Don Dobrino

Don Dobrino  [1953-1956]
 Illinois Drafted in Round 10 

Frank Gilliam

Frank Gilliam  [1953-1956]
 Ohio Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1956), 2nd Team (1954) All American: 2nd Team (1956) Drafted in Round 7 

George Kress

George Kress  [1953-1956]

Missing photo for Terrance Moran

Terrance Moran  [1953-1954]

Mitchell 'Mitch' Ogiego

Mitchell 'Mitch' Ogiego  [1953-1958]
 Indiana Drafted in Round 7 

Ken Ploen

Ken Ploen  [1953-1956]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1956) Player of the Year: Big Ten (1956) All American: 1st Team (1956) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 19 

Garet 'Jerry' Reichow

Garet 'Jerry' Reichow  [1953-1955]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1955 Drafted in Round 4 1961 

Earl Smith

Earl Smith  [1953-1955]
 Indiana All Conference: 2nd Team (1954) 

Roger Wiegmann

Roger Wiegmann  [1953-1955]

Missing photo for Don Ahlgren

Don Ahlgren  [1954-1956]

Don Bowen

Don Bowen  [1954-1957]

John Burroughs

John Burroughs  [1954-1958]
 DC Wikipedia Drafted in Round 18 

Dick Deasy

Dick Deasy  [1954-1956]

Jim Gibbons

Jim Gibbons  [1954-1957]
 Illinois Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1957) All American: 1st Team (1957) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 5 1960, 1961, 1964 

Missing photo for Lester Green

Lester Green  [1954-1954]

Missing photo for Toni Hatch

Toni Hatch  [1954-1956]

Missing photo for Bob Haussman

Bob Haussman  [1954-1956]

James 'Jim' Head

James 'Jim' Head  [1954-1954]
 Indiana Drafted in Round 14 

Missing photo for Kenneth Meek

Kenneth Meek  [1954-1954]

Missing photo for Orlando Pellegrino

Orlando Pellegrino  [1954-1956]

Missing photo for William Reichow

William Reichow  [1954-1955]

Missing photo for Terry Shuck

Terry Shuck  [1954-1955]

Missing photo for Norman Six

Norman Six  [1954-1955]

Don Suchy

Don Suchy  [1954-1956]
 Iowa All Conference: 1st Team (1956) All American: 2nd Team (1956) Drafted in Round 16 

Bill Van Buren

Bill Van Buren  [1954-1961]
 Ohio All Conference: 2nd Team (1961) All American: 1st Team (1961) Drafted in Round 17 

Missing photo for Marion Walker

Marion Walker  [1954-1956]

Missing photo for Jim Willett

Jim Willett  [1954-1956]

Frank Bloomquist

Frank Bloomquist  [1955-1957]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 26 

Hugh Drake

Hugh Drake  [1955-1958]

Randy Duncan

Randy Duncan  [1955-1958]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1957, 1958) Player of the Year: Big Ten Most Valuable Player (1958) All American: Consensus 1st team (1958) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Football Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 

Bill Gravel

Bill Gravel  [1955-1958]

Gary Grouwinkel

Gary Grouwinkel  [1955-1958]

Collins 'Mike' Hagler

Collins 'Mike' Hagler  [1955-1957]
 DC Wikipedia 

William Happel

William Happel  [1955-1957]

Missing photo for Fred Harris

Fred Harris  [1955-1957]

Missing photo for Jon Janda

Jon Janda  [1955-1957]

Missing photo for Kenneth Jehle

Kenneth Jehle  [1955-1955]

Missing photo for Eldan Kanellis

Eldan Kanellis  [1955-1955]

Alex Karras

Alex Karras  [1955-1957]
 Indiana Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1956, 1957) Player of the Year: Outland Trophy (1957) All American: 1st Team (1956, 1957) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Football Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 (1960-1962, 1964-1969) NFL Hall of Fame 

Paul Karras

Paul Karras  [1955-1958]

Missing photo for Delmar Kloewer

Delmar Kloewer  [1955-1957]

Mac Lewis

Mac Lewis  [1955-1958]
 Illinois Drafted in Round 6 

Missing photo for Charles Pierce

Charles Pierce  [1955-1957]

Bob Prescott

Bob Prescott  [1955-1958]

Frank Rigney

Frank Rigney  [1955-1957]
 Illinois Wikipedia Drafted in Round 4 

Dick Theer

Dick Theer  [1955-1957]

Missing photo for Duane Tofson

Duane Tofson  [1955-1955]

Missing photo for Gene Veit

Gene Veit  [1955-1957]

Kevin Furlong

Kevin Furlong  [1956-1958]

Bob Hain

Bob Hain  [1956-1959]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 19 

Don Horn

Don Horn  [1956-1959]

Ray Jauch

Ray Jauch  [1956-1959]
 Illinois Wikipedia Drafted in Round 1 

Bob Jeter

Bob Jeter  [1956-1959]
 West Virginia Wikipedia All American: 3rd Team (1959) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 2 1967, 1968, 1969 

Dick Klein

Dick Klein  [1956-1958]
 Illinois Drafted in Round 29 

Missing photo for Melvin Knotts

Melvin Knotts  [1956-1957]

Jeff Langston

Jeff Langston  [1956-1959]

Bill Lapham

Bill Lapham  [1956-1959]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 14 

Curt Merz

Curt Merz  [1956-1959]
 New Jersey Wikipedia All Conference: 2nd Team (1958) All American: 1st Team (1959) Drafted in Round 3 

Ernest Mielke

Ernest Mielke  [1956-1959]

Allan Miller

Allan Miller  [1956-1959]

John Nocera

John Nocera  [1956-1958]
 Ohio Drafted in Round 16 

Don Norton

Don Norton  [1956-1959]
 Iowa Wikipedia U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 5 AFL 1960, 1961 

Gerald 'Jerry' Novack

Gerald 'Jerry' Novack  [1956-1959]

John Sawin

John Sawin  [1956-1959]

Missing photo for Bill Scott

Bill Scott  [1956-1958]

Geno Sessi

Geno Sessi  [1956-1958]

Missing photo for Wallace Sheets

Wallace Sheets  [1956-1956]

Don Shipanick

Don Shipanick  [1956-1959]

Missing photo for Richard Thiele

Richard Thiele  [1956-1957]

Richard 'Dick' Clauson

Richard 'Dick' Clauson  [1957-1960]

Willie Fleming

Willie Fleming  [1957-1958]
 Michigan Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1958) Drafted in Round 14 

Lloyd 'Buck' Humphreys

Lloyd 'Buck' Humphreys  [1957-1960]

Missing photo for Jerry Jenkison

Jerry Jenkison  [1957-1957]

Charles Lee

Charles Lee  [1957-1960]
 California Drafted in Round 18 

Mark Manders

Mark Manders  [1957-1960]

Gerald 'Jerry' Mauren

Gerald 'Jerry' Mauren  [1957-1960]

Tom Moore

Tom Moore  [1957-1960]
 Minnesota Wikipedia 

Eugene Mosley

Eugene Mosley  [1957-1960]

William 'Bill' Ringer

William 'Bill' Ringer  [1957-1960]

Missing photo for Dominick Sgro

Dominick Sgro  [1957-1957]

Olen Treadway

Olen Treadway  [1957-1960]
 Oklahoma Drafted in Round 2 

Donald Tucker

Donald Tucker  [1957-1960]

Jess Vargo

Jess Vargo  [1957-1960]

John Brown

John Brown  [1958-1959]

William Cervenak

William Cervenak  [1958-1961]
 New Jersey 

Bill DiCindio

Bill DiCindio  [1958-1961]

Maurice Hanson

Maurice Hanson  [1958-1959]
 South Dakota 

Alfred 'Al' Hinton

Alfred 'Al' Hinton  [1958-1961]
 Michigan All Conference: All-Big Ten (1961) All American: 3rd Team (1961) Drafted in Round 6 

Wilburn Hollis

Wilburn Hollis  [1958-1961]
 Nebraska Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1960) All American: 2nd Team (1960) Drafted in Round 13 

Missing photo for John Leshyn

John Leshyn  [1958-1958]

Missing photo for Gerald Nordman

Gerald Nordman  [1958-1959]

Emery Pudder

Emery Pudder  [1958-1961]
 New Jersey 

Missing photo for James Spaan

James Spaan  [1958-1958]

Sherwyn Thorson

Sherwyn Thorson  [1958-1961]
 Iowa Wikipedia All American: 2nd (1960), 1st (1962) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 7 

Missing photo for Stephen Turner

Stephen Turner  [1958-1958]

David Watkins

David Watkins  [1958-1961]

Bill Whisler

Bill Whisler  [1958-1961]
 South Dakota Wikipedia Drafted in Round 9 

Jerry Williams

Jerry Williams  [1958-1961]

Bernie Wyatt

Bernie Wyatt  [1958-1961]
 New York Drafted in Round 19 

Robert Yauck

Robert Yauck  [1958-1961]

John Calhoun

John Calhoun  [1959-1961]

Jack Carlson

Jack Carlson  [1959-1959]

Missing photo for Richard Clark

Richard Clark  [1959-1959]

Fred Erhardt

Fred Erhardt  [1959-1959]
 New Jersey 

Missing photo for Roger Ewen

Roger Ewen  [1959-1959]

Larry Ferguson

Larry Ferguson  [1959-1962]
 Illinois Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1960, 1962) All American: 1st Team (1960) Drafted in Round 4 

Hugh Fisher

Hugh Fisher  [1959-1962]

Missing photo for George Harrell

George Harrell  [1959-1959]

Sammie Harris

Sammie Harris  [1959-1962]

Keith Kinderman

Keith Kinderman  [1959-1959]

Alexander Korzeniewski

Alexander Korzeniewski  [1959-1960]

Missing photo for Paul Lees

Paul Lees  [1959-1959]

Lynn Lyon

Lynn Lyon  [1959-1962]

John McMeekins

John McMeekins  [1959-1959]

Dayton Perry

Dayton Perry  [1959-1962]

James Robenson

James Robenson  [1959-1960]

Felton Rogers

Felton Rogers  [1959-1961]
 Michigan All Conference: Honorable Mention (1960) 

Matt Szykowny

Matt Szykowny  [1959-1962]
 Pennsylvania Drafted in Round 15 

Richard Turici

Richard Turici  [1959-1962]

Missing photo for Virgil Williams

Virgil Williams  [1959-1959]

Chester Williams

Chester Williams  [1959-1960]
 New Jersey 

James Winton

James Winton  [1959-1962]
 New Jersey 

Don Zinn

Don Zinn  [1959-1960]

Robert 'Bobby' Grier

Robert 'Bobby' Grier  [1960-1963]
 Michigan Wikipedia 

James 'Jim' Helgens

James 'Jim' Helgens  [1960-1961]

Wally Hilgenberg

Wally Hilgenberg  [1960-1963]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1963) All American: 3rd Team (1963) Drafted in Round 4 

Constantinos 'Gus' Kasapis

Constantinos 'Gus' Kasapis  [1960-1963]
 Michigan Wikipedia Drafted in Round 17 

Paul Krause

Paul Krause  [1960-1963]
 Michigan U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 2 1964-1965,1969, 1971-1975 NFL Hall of Fame 

George Latta

George Latta  [1960-1963]

Robert LeZotte

Robert LeZotte  [1960-1964]

Earl McQuiston

Earl McQuiston  [1960-1962]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 10 

William 'Bill' Perkins II

William 'Bill' Perkins II  [1960-1962]
 New Jersey Wikipedia Drafted in Round 12 

Mike Reilly

Mike Reilly  [1960-1963]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1963) All American: 1963 U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 4 

Lonnie Rogers

Lonnie Rogers  [1960-1963]

Missing photo for Robert Russo

Robert Russo  [1960-1960]

Bob Sherman

Bob Sherman  [1960-1963]
 Michigan Drafted in Round 12 

Cloyd Webb

Cloyd Webb  [1960-1963]
 Illinois Wikipedia Drafted in Round 13 

Joe Williams

Joe Williams  [1960-1961]
 New Jersey Wikipedia Drafted in Round 14 

Missing photo for Joel Williams

Joel Williams  [1960-1961]

Missing photo for Kevin Barbera

Kevin Barbera  [1961-1961]

Tony Giacobazzi

Tony Giacobazzi  [1961-1964]
 Drafted in Round 20 

Robert 'Bob' Mitchell

Robert 'Bob' Mitchell  [1961-1964]

Craig Nourse

Craig Nourse  [1961-1964]

Bill Briggs

Bill Briggs  [1962-1965]
 New Jersey Drafted in Round 5 

Missing photo for Bernard Budzik

Bernard Budzik  [1962-1964]

Missing photo for Victor Davis

Victor Davis  [1962-1962]

Missing photo for Phillip Deutsch

Phillip Deutsch  [1962-1964]

Missing photo for Richard Dougherty

Richard Dougherty  [1962-1963]

Missing photo for Alan Fischer

Alan Fischer  [1962-1962]

Missing photo for Gary Fletcher

Gary Fletcher  [1962-1963]

Dalton Kimble

Dalton Kimble  [1962-1965]

Missing photo for Robert Kreamer

Robert Kreamer  [1962-1962]

Dave Long

Dave Long  [1962-1965]
 Iowa All Conference: 1st Team (1965) Drafted in Round 3 

Missing photo for William Niedbala

William Niedbala  [1962-1963]

John Niland

John Niland  [1962-1965]
 New York Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1965), 2nd Team (1964) All American: 1st Team (1965), 2nd Team (1964) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 1969, 1971, 1972 

Karl Noonan

Karl Noonan  [1962-1965]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1964) All American: 1st Team (1964) 

Rich O'Hara

Rich O'Hara  [1962-1965]

Missing photo for David Recher

David Recher  [1962-1964]

Fred Riddle

Fred Riddle  [1962-1963]

Jay Roberts

Jay Roberts  [1962-1963]

Missing photo for James Robshaw

James Robshaw  [1962-1962]

Gary Simpson

Gary Simpson  [1962-1965]

Missing photo for Willie Ray Smith

Willie Ray Smith  [1962-1962]

Gary Snook

Gary Snook  [1962-1965]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 4 

Missing photo for Robert Wallace

Robert Wallace  [1962-1962]

Missing photo for Louis Williams

Louis Williams  [1962-1964]

Missing photo for Joseph DeAntona

Joseph DeAntona  [1963-1964]

Missing photo for Ivory McDowell

Ivory McDowell  [1963-1964]

Missing photo for Leo Miller

Leo Miller  [1963-1965]

Missing photo for Karlin Ryan

Karlin Ryan  [1963-1965]

Missing photo for Roger Wehrle

Roger Wehrle  [1963-1963]

Cliff Wilder

Cliff Wilder  [1963-1965]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 11 

Bob Ziolkowski

Bob Ziolkowski  [1963-1964]
 Michigan Drafted in Round 7 

Robert 'Bob' Anderson

Robert 'Bob' Anderson  [1964-1967]

Missing photo for James Cmejrek

James Cmejrek  [1964-1965]

John Diehl

John Diehl  [1964-1967]

Missing photo for Donald Elbert

Donald Elbert  [1964-1964]

Missing photo for Terry Ferry

Terry Ferry  [1964-1965]

Missing photo for Del Gehrke

Del Gehrke  [1964-1964]

Missing photo for Richard Hendryx

Richard Hendryx  [1964-1965]

Missing photo for Daniel Hilsabaeck

Daniel Hilsabaeck  [1964-1966]

Missing photo for Stephen Hodoway

Stephen Hodoway  [1964-1966]

Missing photo for Terry Huff

Terry Huff  [1964-1967]

Missing photo for Thomas Knutson

Thomas Knutson  [1964-1966]

Missing photo for Larry McDowell

Larry McDowell  [1964-1966]

Missing photo for James McGuire

James McGuire  [1964-1964]

Silas McKinnie

Silas McKinnie  [1964-1967]

Missing photo for David Moreland

David Moreland  [1964-1966]

Missing photo for Terry Mulligan

Terry Mulligan  [1964-1966]

Al Randolph

Al Randolph  [1964-1965]
 Illinois Drafted in Round 3 

Missing photo for William Restelli

William Restelli  [1964-1965]

Missing photo for Robert Sorensen

Robert Sorensen  [1964-1964]

Missing photo for Joseph Ucman

Joseph Ucman  [1964-1964]

Missing photo for Paul Usinowicz

Paul Usinowicz  [1964-1967]

Missing photo for Anthony Welt

Anthony Welt  [1964-1964]

Missing photo for Marlin Wiese

Marlin Wiese  [1964-1964]

Tony Williams

Tony Williams  [1964-1967]

Missing photo for Benjamin Wright

Benjamin Wright  [1964-1964]

Barry Crees

Barry Crees  [1965-1968]

Missing photo for John Ficeli

John Ficeli  [1965-1966]

Richard 'Dick' Gibbs

Richard 'Dick' Gibbs  [1965-1966]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 13 

Missing photo for Carl Harris

Carl Harris  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for John Hendricks

John Hendricks  [1965-1967]

Missing photo for James Killbreath

James Killbreath  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for William Krill

William Krill  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for John Lagota

John Lagota  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for Roger Lamot

Roger Lamot  [1965-1966]

Missing photo for Gary Larsen

Gary Larsen  [1965-1967]

Missing photo for Farley Lewis

Farley Lewis  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for Phillip Major

Phillip Major  [1965-1967]

Missing photo for William McCutchen

William McCutchen  [1965-1966]

Missing photo for David Moss

David Moss  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for Michael Mullins

Michael Mullins  [1965-1965]

Jerry O'Donnell

Jerry O'Donnell  [1965-1966]

Ed Podolak

Ed Podolak  [1965-1968]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1968) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 2 

Missing photo for Franklin Reinhardt

Franklin Reinhardt  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for Charles Roland

Charles Roland  [1965-1966]

Missing photo for Philip Schooley

Philip Schooley  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for William Smith

William Smith  [1965-1967]

Missing photo for Richard Somodi

Richard Somodi  [1965-1966]

Missing photo for Gary Swain

Gary Swain  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for George Tompras

George Tompras  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for Orville Townsend

Orville Townsend  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for Curtis Vande Walle

Curtis Vande Walle  [1965-1965]

Missing photo for Lee Weston

Lee Weston  [1965-1965]

Steve Wilson

Steve Wilson  [1965-1968]

Missing photo for Guy Bilek

Guy Bilek  [1966-1967]

Missing photo for David Bonior

David Bonior  [1966-1966]

Allan 'Al' Bream

Allan 'Al' Bream  [1966-1968]
 Illinois Drafted in Round 14 

Mike Cilek

Mike Cilek  [1966-1969]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 6 

Pat Dunnigan

Pat Dunnigan  [1966-1969]

Larry Ely

Larry Ely  [1966-1969]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 16 

Missing photo for John Evenden

John Evenden  [1966-1966]

Missing photo for Robert Gibbs

Robert Gibbs  [1966-1968]

Missing photo for Duane Grant

Duane Grant  [1966-1968]

Missing photo for John Hayes

John Hayes  [1966-1967]

Missing photo for Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson  [1966-1968]

Missing photo for Robert Krga

Robert Krga  [1966-1966]

Missing photo for Michael Lavery

Michael Lavery  [1966-1967]

Missing photo for James McHugh

James McHugh  [1966-1966]

Jon Meskimen

Jon Meskimen  [1966-1969]
 Iowa All Conference: 1st Team (1968, 1969) All American: 3rd Team (1969) 

Missing photo for Scott Miller

Scott Miller  [1966-1968]

Missing photo for Gordon Monroe

Gordon Monroe  [1966-1966]

Missing photo for Jeffrey Newland

Jeffrey Newland  [1966-1967]

Missing photo for Peter Paquette

Peter Paquette  [1966-1967]

Missing photo for Cornelius Patterson

Cornelius Patterson  [1966-1967]

Missing photo for Thomas Ross

Thomas Ross  [1966-1966]

Missing photo for Albert Schenk

Albert Schenk  [1966-1968]

Rich Stepanek

Rich Stepanek  [1966-1969]
 Illinois Drafted in Round 13 

Tim Sullivan

Tim Sullivan  [1966-1970]
 Kansas Drafted in Round 9 

Missing photo for John Williams

John Williams  [1966-1966]

Missing photo for Greg Allison

Greg Allison  [1967-1969]

Missing photo for Rod Barnhart

Rod Barnhart  [1967-1969]

Missing photo for Gregory Barton

Gregory Barton  [1967-1967]

Roy Bash

Roy Bash  [1967-1970]

Missing photo for William Bevill

William Bevill  [1967-1969]

Charles 'Doc' Bolden

Charles 'Doc' Bolden  [1967-1969]
 Louisiana Drafted in Round 6 

Alan Cassady

Alan Cassady  [1967-1970]

Racior 'Ray' Cavole

Racior 'Ray' Cavole  [1967-1970]

Dave Clement

Dave Clement  [1967-1970]

Missing photo for Michael Edwards

Michael Edwards  [1967-1969]

Missing photo for Rod Faind

Rod Faind  [1967-1967]

Dennis Green

Dennis Green  [1967-1970]
 Pennsylvania Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Bob Gruver

Bob Gruver  [1967-1969]

Tom Haugo

Tom Haugo  [1967-1968]

Tom Hayes

Tom Hayes  [1967-1970]
 Iowa Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Paul Laaveg

Paul Laaveg  [1967-1969]
 Iowa Wikipedia Drafted in Round 4 

Dave Link

Dave Link  [1967-1970]

Ray Manning

Ray Manning  [1967-1970]
 Texas All Conference: 2nd Team (1969), Academic (1968, 1969) 

Dan McDonald

Dan McDonald  [1967-1970]

Layne McDowell

Layne McDowell  [1967-1970]
 Iowa All Conference: 2nd Team (1969, 1970) Drafted in Round 10 

Marcos Melendez

Marcos Melendez  [1967-1970]
 Puerto Rico LinkedIn 

Jim Miller

Jim Miller  [1967-1970]

Missing photo for Melvin Morris

Melvin Morris  [1967-1969]

Missing photo for Galen Noard

Galen Noard  [1967-1968]

Missing photo for Michael Phillips

Michael Phillips  [1967-1968]

Ken Price

Ken Price  [1967-1970]
 Texas Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Kerry Reardon

Kerry Reardon  [1967-1970]
 Missouri Wikipedia All Conference: Honorable Mention (1968, 1969), Academic (1969) All American: 3rd Team (1969) Drafted in Round 6 

Don Sibery

Don Sibery  [1967-1969]

Missing photo for Louis Age

Louis Age  [1968-1968]

Wendell Bell

Wendell Bell  [1968-1971]

Dave Brooks

Dave Brooks  [1968-1970]

Missing photo for Ray Churchill

Ray Churchill  [1968-1968]

Craig Clemons

Craig Clemons  [1968-1971]
 Ohio Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1971) All American: 1st Team (1971) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 

Missing photo for Kelly Disser

Kelly Disser  [1968-1971]

Ken Grabinski

Ken Grabinski  [1968-1968]

Frank Holmes

Frank Holmes  [1968-1972]

Larry Horton

Larry Horton  [1968-1971]
 Indiana Drafted in Round 9 

Jerry Johnson

Jerry Johnson  [1968-1971]

Missing photo for Coleman Lane

Coleman Lane  [1968-1968]

Larry Lawrence

Larry Lawrence  [1968-1969]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Chuck Legler

Chuck Legler  [1968-1971]

Lorin Lynch

Lorin Lynch  [1968-1971]

Missing photo for Clark Malmer

Clark Malmer  [1968-1971]

Missing photo for Greg McManus

Greg McManus  [1968-1968]

Geoff Mickelson

Geoff Mickelson  [1968-1971]

Missing photo for Craig Miller

Craig Miller  [1968-1968]

Levi Mitchell

Levi Mitchell  [1968-1971]
 Indiana All Conference: 2nd Team (1970), Honorable Mention (1969) 

Jerry Nelson

Jerry Nelson  [1968-1972]
 Alabama All Conference: Honorable Mention (1969) 

Don Osby

Don Osby  [1968-1971]

Steve Penney

Steve Penney  [1968-1971]
 Illinois All Conference: Academic (1969) 

Charles Podolak

Charles Podolak  [1968-1971]

Missing photo for William Powell

William Powell  [1968-1968]

Rich Solomon

Rich Solomon  [1968-1971]

Missing photo for Roger Swenson

Roger Swenson  [1968-1968]

Dave Triplett

Dave Triplett  [1968-1971]
 Iowa Wikipedia All Conference: Honorable Mention (1971), Academic (1971) 

Missing photo for Tom Wallace

Tom Wallace  [1968-1968]

Missing photo for Rich Byard

Rich Byard  [1969-1972]

Tom Cabalka

Tom Cabalka  [1969-1973]

Charles Cross

Charles Cross  [1969-1972]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 15 

Missing photo for Jim Crouse

Jim Crouse  [1969-1969]

Craig Darling

Craig Darling  [1969-1972]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 8 

Mike Dillner

Mike Dillner  [1969-1972]

Jeff Elgin

Jeff Elgin  [1969-1970]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Missing photo for Chris Hamilton

Chris Hamilton  [1969-1969]

Dave Harris

Dave Harris  [1969-1972]

Karl Hoinkes

Karl Hoinkes  [1969-1972]

Missing photo for Jim Kaiser

Jim Kaiser  [1969-1972]

Missing photo for Dave Krull

Dave Krull  [1969-1969]

Missing photo for Rich Lutz

Rich Lutz  [1969-1972]

John 'Jack' Muller

John 'Jack' Muller  [1969-1972]
 Iowa All Conference: 2nd Team (1970) Drafted in Round 7 

Missing photo for Jim Pedersen

Jim Pedersen  [1969-1969]

Jerry Reardon

Jerry Reardon  [1969-1972]

Missing photo for Joe Ritchie

Joe Ritchie  [1969-1972]

Missing photo for Bill Rose

Bill Rose  [1969-1970]
 New Jersey 

Alan Schaefer

Alan Schaefer  [1969-1971]

Missing photo for Bill Schoonover

Bill Schoonover  [1969-1972]

Missing photo for Alan Schuette

Alan Schuette  [1969-1969]

Dave Simms

Dave Simms  [1969-1972]

Missing photo for Bob Sims

Bob Sims  [1969-1972]

Missing photo for Tom Smith

Tom Smith  [1969-1969]

Missing photo for Tony Stoik

Tony Stoik  [1969-1969]

Frank Sunderman

Frank Sunderman  [1969-1972]

Mike Wendling

Mike Wendling  [1969-1972]

Missing photo for Ike White

Ike White  [1969-1973]

Bill Windauer

Bill Windauer  [1969-1972]
 Illinois All Conference: Honorable Mention (1972) Drafted in Round 8 

Missing photo for Murphy Anderson

Murphy Anderson  [1970-1972]

Missing photo for Mark Barden

Mark Barden  [1970-1979]

Dan Dickel

Dan Dickel  [1970-1973]
 Iowa Wikipedia Drafted in Round 7 

Jim Douglas

Jim Douglas  [1970-1970]

Missing photo for Herschel Epps

Herschel Epps  [1970-1970]

John Farrell

John Farrell  [1970-1972]

Missing photo for Ken Herington

Ken Herington  [1970-1970]

Roger Jerrick

Roger Jerrick  [1970-1973]

Craig Johnson

Craig Johnson  [1970-1973]

Pat Long

Pat Long  [1970-1971]

Ed Morrissey

Ed Morrissey  [1970-1973]

Missing photo for Mark Nelson

Mark Nelson  [1970-1973]

Missing photo for Ernie Roberson

Ernie Roberson  [1970-1973]
 New York 

Brian Rollins

Brian Rollins  [1970-1973]

Kyle Skogman

Kyle Skogman  [1970-1973]

Missing photo for Tom Wanat

Tom Wanat  [1970-1970]

Jim Waschek

Jim Waschek  [1970-1973]

Missing photo for Harry Young

Harry Young  [1970-1973]
 New Jersey 

Rick Brooks

Rick Brooks  [1971-1973]

Larry Bush

Larry Bush  [1971-1974]

Earl Douthitt

Earl Douthitt  [1971-1974]
 Ohio Wikipedia All Conference: 1st team (1974) All American: Honorable mention (1974) Drafted in Round 7 

Rob Fick

Rob Fick  [1971-1974]

Missing photo for John Fontes

John Fontes  [1971-1971]

Kim Hardt

Kim Hardt  [1971-1973]

Dave Jackson

Dave Jackson  [1971-1974]

Harry Kokolus

Harry Kokolus  [1971-1973]
 Illinois LinkedIn 

Dan LaFleur

Dan LaFleur  [1971-1974]
 South Dakota 

Dan McCarney

Dan McCarney  [1971-1974]
 Iowa Wikipedia 

Bobby Ousley

Bobby Ousley  [1971-1974]

Brandt Yocom

Brandt Yocom  [1971-1975]

Leonard 'Bubba' Bolton

Leonard 'Bubba' Bolton  [1972-1975]

Missing photo for Dave Bryant

Dave Bryant  [1972-1974]

James 'Butch' Caldwell

James 'Butch' Caldwell  [1972-1976]
 Ohio  Twitter LinkedIn 

Missing photo for Johnny Campbell

Johnny Campbell  [1972-1975]

Missing photo for Jeff Clayton

Jeff Clayton  [1972-1972]

Joe Devlin

Joe Devlin  [1972-1975]
 Pennsylvania Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1975) All American: 1st Team (1975) Drafted in Round 2 

Tyrone 'Tye' Dye

Tyrone 'Tye' Dye  [1972-1975]

Bob Elliott

Bob Elliott  [1972-1975]
 Iowa All American: Academic (1974, 1975) 

Mark Fetter

Mark Fetter  [1972-1975]

Missing photo for Romero Harthorne

Romero Harthorne  [1972-1972]

Missing photo for Lynn Heil

Lynn Heil  [1972-1974]

Andre Jackson

Andre Jackson  [1972-1975]
 Illinois Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) All Conference: 2nd Team (1972, 1975) All American: Freshman (1972) 

Jim Jensen

Jim Jensen  [1972-1975]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 2 

Missing photo for Tommy Kirkland

Tommy Kirkland  [1972-1972]

Bobby Lawson

Bobby Lawson  [1972-1976]

Missing photo for Jock Michelosen

Jock Michelosen  [1972-1974]

Royce Mix

Royce Mix  [1972-1973]

Missing photo for Doug Nelson

Doug Nelson  [1972-1973]

Missing photo for Steve Paulson

Steve Paulson  [1972-1972]

Warren Peiffer

Warren Peiffer  [1972-1975]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 9 

Rick Penney

Rick Penney  [1972-1975]

Missing photo for Eddie Saunders

Eddie Saunders  [1972-1974]

Missing photo for Sidney Thomas

Sidney Thomas  [1972-1974]

Missing photo for Mark Urchek

Mark Urchek  [1972-1973]

Rod Walters

Rod Walters  [1972-1975]
 Michigan Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1975) All American: 1st Team (1975) Drafted in Round 1 

Lester Washington

Lester Washington  [1972-1974]

Rod Wellington

Rod Wellington  [1972-1975]
 Illinois Drafted in Round 7 

Missing photo for Shanty Burks

Shanty Burks  [1973-1977]

Missing photo for Dave Butler

Dave Butler  [1973-1975]

Jim Caldwell

Jim Caldwell  [1973-1976]
 Wisconsin Wikipedia  Twitter 

Missing photo for Ron Conatser

Ron Conatser  [1973-1973]
 Iowa Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) 

Bruce Davis

Bruce Davis  [1973-1976]

Missing photo for Ed Donovan

Ed Donovan  [1973-1975]

Missing photo for Bill Edwards

Bill Edwards  [1973-1973]

Missing photo for Mark Essy

Mark Essy  [1973-1974]

Missing photo for Kerry Feuerbach

Kerry Feuerbach  [1973-1976]

Missing photo for Mike Frantz

Mike Frantz  [1973-1974]

Tom Grine

Tom Grine  [1973-1976]

Phil Hayman

Phil Hayman  [1973-1973]

Missing photo for Greg Hearns

Greg Hearns  [1973-1973]

Missing photo for Joe Heppner

Joe Heppner  [1973-1974]

Missing photo for Andy  Humphries

Andy Humphries  [1973-1973]

Missing photo for Mike Klimczak

Mike Klimczak  [1973-1975]

Missing photo for Gary Ladick

Gary Ladick  [1973-1975]

Missing photo for Aaron Leonard

Aaron Leonard  [1973-1977]

Rick Marsh

Rick Marsh  [1973-1976]

Missing photo for Jim McNulty

Jim McNulty  [1973-1976]

Missing photo for Ed Myers

Ed Myers  [1973-1974]

Missing photo for Stanford Parkman

Stanford Parkman  [1973-1973]

Missing photo for Mark Phillips

Mark Phillips  [1973-1975]

Missing photo for Dana Potter

Dana Potter  [1973-1973]

Missing photo for Bob Salter

Bob Salter  [1973-1975]

Dave Schick

Dave Schick  [1973-1976]

Bill Schultz

Bill Schultz  [1973-1976]

Missing photo for Narty Smith

Narty Smith  [1973-1973]

Missing photo for Roger Stech

Roger Stech  [1973-1977]

Missing photo for Dan Steinke

Dan Steinke  [1973-1974]

Missing photo for Dave Wagner

Dave Wagner  [1973-1975]

Missing photo for Walt Walker

Walt Walker  [1973-1974]

Missing photo for Steve Walker

Steve Walker  [1973-1974]

Nate Washington

Nate Washington  [1973-1976]

Missing photo for Steve Welk

Steve Welk  [1973-1973]

Missing photo for Nate Winston

Nate Winston  [1973-1976]

Missing photo for Steve Wojan

Steve Wojan  [1973-1977]

Missing photo for Phil Ambrose

Phil Ambrose  [1974-1977]

Missing photo for Dennis Armington

Dennis Armington  [1974-1975]

Missing photo for Bob Blaha

Bob Blaha  [1974-1976]

Missing photo for Scott Boettner

Scott Boettner  [1974-1975]

Missing photo for Steve Borden

Steve Borden  [1974-1974]

Mark Callaghan

Mark Callaghan  [1974-1977]

Jesse Cook

Jesse Cook  [1974-1977]

Missing photo for Gary Crull

Gary Crull  [1974-1977]

Missing photo for Joe Fisher

Joe Fisher  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Mike Goudy

Mike Goudy  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Steve  Groen

Steve Groen  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Jeff Haug

Jeff Haug  [1974-1974]

Jim Hilgenberg

Jim Hilgenberg  [1974-1977]

Missing photo for Bob Holmes

Bob Holmes  [1974-1975]

Missing photo for Bill Itschner

Bill Itschner  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for John Jaye

John Jaye  [1974-1976]

Robert 'Bob' Jeschke

Robert 'Bob' Jeschke  [1974-1975]

Missing photo for Mike Lopos

Mike Lopos  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Chris Mackey

Chris Mackey  [1974-1977]

Missing photo for Dave Mattingly

Dave Mattingly  [1974-1977]

Tom McLaughlin

Tom McLaughlin  [1974-1977]

Missing photo for Gene Mollet

Gene Mollet  [1974-1975]

Dean Moore

Dean Moore  [1974-1977]
 Ohio Drafted in Round 9 

Missing photo for Chris North

Chris North  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Tim O'Neil

Tim O'Neil  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for John Patyk

John Patyk  [1974-1977]

Nick Quartaro

Nick Quartaro  [1974-1976]
 New York Wikipedia 

Doug Reichardt

Doug Reichardt  [1974-1975]

Missing photo for Fred Rich

Fred Rich  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Cornell Richardson

Cornell Richardson  [1974-1974]

Jerry Runta

Jerry Runta  [1974-1977]

Missing photo for Mike Sambo

Mike Sambo  [1974-1977]

Ernest 'Ernie' Sheeler

Ernest 'Ernie' Sheeler  [1974-1977]

Missing photo for John Smith

John Smith  [1974-1976]

Missing photo for John Speaker

John Speaker  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Ray Steffens

Ray Steffens  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Rich Thompson

Rich Thompson  [1974-1976]

Barry Tomasetti

Barry Tomasetti  [1974-1977]
 Pennsylvania Drafted in Round 10 

Missing photo for Kevin Tomasko

Kevin Tomasko  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Lenny Trocano

Lenny Trocano  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Dave VanderHeyden

Dave VanderHeyden  [1974-1974]

Missing photo for Dick Zimmerman

Dick Zimmerman  [1974-1974]

James Arkeilpane

James Arkeilpane  [1975-1978]
 New York 

Dave Becker

Dave Becker  [1975-1978]
 Iowa Drafted in Round 12 

Doug Benschoter

Doug Benschoter  [1975-1978]

Missing photo for John Bowlsby

John Bowlsby  [1975-1975]

Missing photo for Charles Danzy

Charles Danzy  [1975-1978]

Tim Gutshall

Tim Gutshall  [1975-1978]

Bobby Hill

Bobby Hill  [1975-1979]

Joe Hufford

Joe Hufford  [1975-1978]

Jon Lazar

Jon Lazar  [1975-1978]
 Iowa All Conference: Honorable Mention (1977) 

Dan Matter

Dan Matter  [1975-1976]