2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 13 - 9
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 2024-2025 WBB Record: 16 - 7
(7 games remaining)

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2/7/2025 Wrestling vs  Maryland

2/8/2025 Basketball vs  Wisconsin

2/10/2025 Women's Basketball @  Nebraska

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Ronald Zagar
Ronald Zagar - Image courtesy of https://www.nasljerseys.com/ABL/Players/xyz/Zagar.Ron.htm
Ronald Zagar
Ronald Zagar

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Ronald Zagar      Illinois 

Position(s): G

HIGH SCHOOL: Ronald Zagar attended Depue High School and lived in or near Depue, Illinois. He scored 1,014 points his senior season and averaged 37.6 points and 15 rebounds per game. He scored 2,514 career points, which remains the most career points ever scored by an Illinois Valley area boys or girls basketball player. For each of his three varsity seasons he was named MVP and an all-state selection. He had 125 collegiate offers before he chose to play at the University of Iowa.

COLLEGE: He had a career-high 21 points in a loss to Cincinnati.

PROFESSIONAL: He played one season for the Chicago Majors of the short-lived ABL, where he averaged 11.7 points per game, 2.5 rebounds and 2.6 assists per game over 79 games.

OTHER: In 1975, he was elected into the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame. In 2020, he was elected into Illinois Valley Sports Hall of Fame.

Born 11/12/1939 and is 85 years old.



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Ronald Zagar - Iowa Hawkeyes Player Profile | Basketball - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games