2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 13 - 9
(10 games remaining)

 2024-2025 WBB Record: 16 - 7
(7 games remaining)

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835 highlight videos and 685 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 6,092 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1920 players and 120 coaches.

2/7/2025 Wrestling vs  Maryland

2/8/2025 Basketball vs  Wisconsin

2/10/2025 Women's Basketball @  Nebraska

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Ben Trickey Memorial Scholarship Winners

Ben Trickey was a 3-sport athlete at the University of Iowa in the early 1940's.

The Ben Trickey Memorial Scholarship was created in 1975 by Ben's wife, Vivian Shipton Trickey. The scholarship is awarded annually at the Marshalltown I Club Banquet to a student/athlete in any sport who has been a walk-on and has distinguished himself (herself) both on and off the field. Preference is to be given to Iowa residents. The award is to be used to cover some portion or the entire cost of academic expenses for one year.

The recipient is to be chosen each spring by a committee consisting of a representative of the Ben Trickey family, the Director of Men's Intercollegiate Athletics at Iowa, and an additional person selected by these two committee members. The winner is to be announced at the spring Marshall County I Club meeting.

Vivian passed away in January 2014, and the scholarship is now being managed by her daughter, Kelly Trickey Heglund.

Download a longer version of his biography and more history on the scholarship.


1977 - Rod Sears, Football
1978 - Dave Becker, Football
1980 - Tom Frantz, Football
1981 - Tim Gassmann, Baseball
1982 - Dave Chambers, Football
1983 - Tom Stemlar, Football
1984 - Scott Helverson, Football
1985 - Tim Sennott, Football
1986 - Mark Spranger, Football
1987 - Rick Bayless, Football
1988 - Jim Reilly, Football
1989 - Jon Filloon, Football
1990 - Paul Kujawa, Football
1991 - Tom Ryan, Wrestling
1992 - Chris Greene, Football
1993 - Ryan Terry, Football
1994 - Kevin Skillett, Basketball
1995 - Brion Hurley, Football
1996 - Zach Bromert, Football
1997 - Darryl Moore, Basketball
1998 - Tobiah Humes, Baseball
1999 - Tim Douglas, Football
2000 - Bruce Nelson, Football
2001 - Dallas Clark, Football
2002 - Derek Pagel, Football
2003 - Marcus Schnoor, Football
2004 - Tyler Luebke, Football
2005 - Austin Seward, Baseball
2006 - Zach Gabelmann, Football
2007 - Daniel Olszta, Football
2008 - Rob Bruggeman, Football
2009 - Brett Greenwood, Football
2010 - Jeff Pacha, Baseball
2011 - Mike Meyer, Football
2012 - Matt Tobin, Football
2013 - Mark Weisman, Football
2014 - James Frankos, Baseball
2015 - Jordan Canzeri, Football
2016 - Kyle Shimp, Baseball
2017 - Kyle Shimp, Baseball
2018 - Molly Kelly, Volleyball
2019 - Brady Ross, Football
2020 - Jack Koerner, Football
2021 - Jack Koerner, Football
2022 - Turner Pallissard, Football

Ben Trickey Memorial Scholarship Winners at the University of Iowa - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games