2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 13 - 9
(10 games remaining)

 2024-2025 WBB Record: 16 - 7
(7 games remaining)

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835 highlight videos and 685 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 6,092 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1920 players and 120 coaches.

2/7/2025 Wrestling vs  Maryland

2/8/2025 Basketball vs  Wisconsin

2/10/2025 Women's Basketball @  Nebraska

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Chris Street Award

The Chris Street Award, named in honor of former Hawkeye Chris Street, is presented annually to "A Hawkeye player who best exemplifies the spirit, enthusiasm and intensity of Chris Street."

Street died in an auto accident January 19, 1993, 15 games into his junior season as an Iowa Hawkeye.

His hustle, blue-collar work ethic and enthusiasm on the basketball floor quickly made him a crowd favorite in Carver-Hawkeye Arena. How appropriate for Chris to wear No. 40. No one in the country played 40 minutes of basketball harder than he did.

Chris was on target to become Iowa's all-time leading rebounder and a 1,000-point club scorer. Chris made the last 34 free throws he attempted over a six-game period, setting a school record for consecutive free throws. Chris was named CBS-TV's Player of the Game at Duke in his last game with the Hawkeyes, when he set the free throw record.


1992-1993 - Wade Lookingbill
1993-1994 - Jess Settles
1994-1995 - Jim Bartels
1995-1996 - Jess Settles
1996-1997 - Ryan Bowen, John Streif (trainer)
1997-1998 - Darryl Moore
1998-1999 - Jason Bauer, Jess Settles
1999-2000 - Ryan Luehrsmann, Jason Price
2000-2001 - Dean Oliver
2001-2002 - Duez Henderson
2002-2003 - Jeff Horner
2003-2004 - Brody Boyd, Greg Brunner
2004-2005 - Adam Haluska
2005-2006 - Adam Haluska
2006-2007 - Tony Freeman
2007-2008 - Cyrus Tate
2008-2009 - Jarryd Cole
2009-2010 - Devan Bawinkel
2010-2011 - Jarryd Cole
2011-2012 - Matt Gatens
2012-2013 - Eric May
2013-2014 - Roy Devyn Marble
2014-2015 - Aaron White
2015-2016 - Anthony Clemmons, Mike Gesell, Jarrod Uthoff, Adam Woodbury
2016-2017 - Peter Jok
2017-2018 - Jordan Bohannon
2018-2019 - Nicholas Baer
2019-2020 - Luka Garza, Ryan Kriener
2020-2021 - Luka Garza, Jordan Bohannon
2021-2022 - Connor McCaffery, Keegan Murray

Chris Street Award Winners at the University of Iowa - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games