2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 14 - 10
(8 games remaining)

 2024-2025 WBB Record: 17 - 7
(6 games remaining)

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839 highlight videos and 686 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 6,156 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1921 players and 124 coaches.

2/13/2025 Women's Basketball vs  Rutgers

2/14/2025 Wrestling @  Minnesota

2/16/2025 Basketball @  Maryland

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Highlights: Full Game: Signature Win: Painful Loss: Result: Location: OT:     clear

All games below were played at Waterman Gymnasium in Ann Arbor, Michigan. City/State: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Timeframe: 1893 - Nov 1924

Learn more about this venue on Wikipedia >>>


Iowa  @  Michigan   Michigan

L    18 - 23 

Head Coach: Sam Barry

Almost 10000 people were in attendance, believed to be the most to watch a Michigan basketball ever to that point. ...more


Iowa  @  Michigan   Michigan

W    20 - 18 

Head Coach: Sam Barry

Iowa again scored a basket in the final minute of play to beat Michigan. This time Janse broke the 18-18 tie with a long basket. Iowa scored most of it's points in the second half on made free throws....more


Iowa  @  Michigan   Michigan

L    19 - 25 

Head Coach: James Ashmore

Iowa made 1 more basket and led the game until the last 4 minutes, but lost the game 25-19 to Michigan. Shimek scored 15 points on 6 baskets for Iowa. ...more


#1 - vs.  Ohio State (2017) Football
#2 - vs.  Louisiana State (2005) Football
#3 - vs.  Michigan (1985) Football
#4 - vs.  Penn State (2021) Football
#5 - vs.  South Carolina (2009) Football
#6 - vs.  Illinois (1990) Football
#7 - vs.  Texas Tech (1996) Football
#8 - vs.  Michigan (1984) Football
#9 - vs.  Illinois (2018) Football
#10 - vs.  Michigan State (2016) Basketball

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#1 - vs.  Northwestern (2020) Football
#2 - vs.  Michigan (2021) Football
#3 - vs.  Iowa State (2022) Football
#4 - vs.  Richmond (2022) Basketball
#5 - vs.  North Dakota State (2016) Football
#6 - vs.  Stanford (2016) Football
#7 - vs.  Michigan State (2015) Football
#8 - vs.  Wisconsin (2010) Football
#9 - vs.  Ohio State (2009) Football
#10 - vs.  UCLA (1986) Football

View hated votes for all users >>>


Iowa  @  Michigan   Michigan

L    15 - 19 

Head Coach: James Ashmore

It was a sloppy game with a lot of turnovers on both sides. Shimek scored 7 of Iowa's 15 points on the night. Michigan won the game 19-15. The teams traveled together after the game to Chicago, where ...more

Total Wins

Total Losses

Total Ties

Win %





Hawkeye Recap - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games