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 2024-2025 MBB Record: 13 - 10
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 2024-2025 WBB Record: 17 - 7
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2/14/2025 Wrestling @  Minnesota

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12/30/1965 (1965-1966)
Sun Bowl Tournament

Memorial Gymnasium [El Paso, Texas]

#4 Iowa  vs  Texas-El Paso  Texas-El Paso #4 Iowa Hawkeyes Basketball vs Texas-El Paso on 12/30/1965 - HawkeyeRecap.com

L   68 - 86 

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Head Coach: Ralph Miller
Attendance: 5,212


Texas Western’s impervious defense and razor sharp shooting was too much for the Hawks, as they claimed the championship of the Southwestern Sun Carnival Basketball Tournament. Iowa was held without a field goal the first 10 minutes of the game, and fell behind 21-4 early in the game, and led 40-19 at halftime. George Peeples and Chris Pervall scored 18 points for Iowa, followed by Gerry Jones with 17 points. The Miners would go on to win the NCAA Tournament at the end of the season.

Texas-El Paso404686



Game Summary Articles

+ Texas Western shocks Iowa in Sun Meet final
+ Daily Iowan Recap

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Texas-El Paso View more Basketball games against Texas-El Paso >>>

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#4 Iowa Hawkeyes Basketball vs Texas-El Paso on 12/30/1965 - HawkeyeRecap.com - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games