2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 13 - 10
(9 games remaining)

 2024-2025 WBB Record: 17 - 7
(6 games remaining)

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838 highlight videos and 685 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 6,143 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1921 players and 124 coaches.

2/12/2025 Basketball @  Rutgers

2/13/2025 Women's Basketball vs  Rutgers

2/14/2025 Wrestling @  Minnesota

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Walter 'Stub' Stewart

Walter 'Stub' Stewart  

After playing football and graduating at Iowa, he joined the varsity coaching staff in all three sports, and was head coach of the baseball and basketball teams in 1910-12. He also was a member of the Board in Control of Athletics for nearly 30 years.






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FAMOUS QUOTES from Walter 'Stub' Stewart

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FAMOUS QUOTES about Walter 'Stub' Stewart

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Walter 'Stub' Stewart - Iowa Hawkeyes Coach Profile | Basketball - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games