2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 13 - 8
(11 games remaining)

 2024-2025 WBB Record: 15 - 7
(8 games remaining)

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833 highlight videos and 684 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 6,064 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1920 players and 120 coaches.

2/4/2025 Basketball vs  Purdue

2/6/2025 Women's Basketball @  Minnesota

2/7/2025 Wrestling vs  Maryland

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Jesse Hawley

Jesse Hawley  

Hawley was hired by the University of Iowa in 1910. They had not won the conference title in a decade. At the same time, they also hired Nelson A. Kellogg in 1910 to be Iowa's athletic director, so Hawley could focus solely on coaching the football team, instead of managing entire athletic department as was typically the case with that position.

The most notable game that season was a 5-0 loss to Missouri in 1910, where he decided not to bring Archie Alexander, Iowa's talented black tackle to the game.

Fearing troubles similar to what Frank Holbrook, Iowa's first black football player, encountered in a game against Missouri in 1896, Hawley agreed to leave Alexander behind. When the Iowa team arrived in Columbia, a mob of local townspeople met the team to ensure that Alexander was not with them. In view of the racial incidents as well as the unsportsmanlike treatment Hawkeye players received during the game, Hawley vowed that Iowa would never again play Missouri in football as long as he was the coach, and they didn't play again until the 2010 Insight Bowl.

After resigning from Iowa to focus on his banking job in Chicago (which he would leave for 3 months during the fall season), he later returned to coach at his alma mater, Dartmouth, and went 22 games without a loss from 1923 to 1926. He reached the pinnacle of success in 1925, when he led Dartmouth to an undefeated 8–0 season and national championship.

Born 3/25/1887 and died on 3/21/1946 at the age of 58.






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Jesse Hawley - Iowa Hawkeyes Coach Profile | Football - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games