2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 14 - 10
(8 games remaining)

 2024-2025 WBB Record: 17 - 7
(6 games remaining)

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839 highlight videos and 686 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 6,156 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1921 players and 124 coaches.

2/13/2025 Women's Basketball vs  Rutgers

2/14/2025 Wrestling @  Minnesota

2/16/2025 Basketball @  Maryland

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We are building out this page quickly so check back daily for new players. They are being added ad-hoc, no particular rhyme or reason other than something I stumbled upon, or someone really popular, or in the recent news, or someone of personal interest to me. Some research takes me down a "rabbit hole" that uncovers some amazing information. My intent is to list almost every letterwinner and significant contributor (maybe because of what they did after their playing days or off the field), but that will take years to complete. As the list grows, we'll also improve the search and filtering to make it easier to find players. If you'd like to help, contact us to learn more about some paid work. We need help taking the various biographies and some research, and consolidating them down into essential information and not just a copy/paste from another site. We'll definitely take requests if you have a favorite or important player not listed yet. If you personally are a former player, I'm happy to add or revise your profile (as you have the best and most correct information), just contact me.

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NIL = Name Image and Likeness, POY = Player of the Year, All-Am = All-American, HOF = Hall of Fame
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James 'Ray' Murphy, Jr.

James 'Ray' Murphy, Jr.  [1938-1940]
 New York 

Bernie Wyatt

Bernie Wyatt  [1958-1961]
 New York Drafted in Round 19 

Connie Hawkins

Connie Hawkins  [1960-1961]
 New York Wikipedia ABL Player of the Year (1961), NBA All-Star (1970-1973) 

John Niland

John Niland  [1962-1965]
 New York Wikipedia All Conference: 1st Team (1965), 2nd Team (1964) All American: 1st Team (1965), 2nd Team (1964) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame Drafted in Round 1 1969, 1971, 1972 

Missing photo for Ernie Roberson

Ernie Roberson  [1970-1973]
 New York 

Nick Quartaro

Nick Quartaro  [1974-1976]
 New York Wikipedia 

Glen Worley

Glen Worley  [1974-1975]
 New York 

James Arkeilpane

James Arkeilpane  [1975-1978]
 New York 

Lou Banach

Lou Banach  [1978-1983]
 New York Wikipedia All Conference: 1st (1981), 1st (1983) All American: 1981,1982,1983 U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Basketball Hall of Fame Gold (1984) 

Ed Banach

Ed Banach  [1978-1983]
 New York Wikipedia All Conference: 1st (1980), 1st (1981), 1st (1982), 1st (1983) Player of the Year: Big Ten Conference Athlete of the Year (1983) All American: 1980,1981,1982,1983 U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame College Basketball Hall of Fame Gold (1984) 

Pat Dean

Pat Dean  [1978-1981]
 New York 

Nate Creer

Nate Creer  [1981-1985]
 New York 

Owen Gill

Owen Gill  [1981-1984]
 New York Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile All Conference: 2nd team (1984), Honorable mention (1982, 1983) Drafted in Round 2 

Devon Mitchell

Devon Mitchell  [1981-1985]
 New York Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile Joined as walk-on (non-scholarship) All Conference: 1st Team (1984), 2nd Team (1985) All American: Honorable Mention (1984, 1985) Drafted in Round 4 

Missing photo for Andrew Rose

Andrew Rose  [1981-1981]
 New York 

Ronnie Harmon

Ronnie Harmon  [1982-1985]
 New York Wikipedia All Conference: First Team (1984, 1985) Drafted in Round 1 1992 

Quinn Early

Quinn Early  [1983-1987]
 New York Wikipedia  Twitter LinkedIn All Conference: 1st Team (1987) Drafted in Round 3 

Kevin Harmon

Kevin Harmon  [1984-1987]
 New York Wikipedia Drafted in Round 4 

Brad Penrith

Brad Penrith  [1984-1988]
 New York All Conference: 1st (1986), 1st (1987), 1st (1988) All American: 1st (1986), 2nd (1987), 2nd (1988) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 

Joe Mott

Joe Mott  [1985-1988]
 New York Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: 1st Team (1988), Honorable mention (1987) Drafted in Round 3 

Rod Davis

Rod Davis  [1988-1991]
 New York LinkedIn 

Larry Blue

Larry Blue  [1989-1993]
 New York All Conference: 2nd Team (1993) 

Michael Titley

Michael Titley  [1989-1990]
 New York  Twitter Drafted in Round 10 

Fritz Fequiere

Fritz Fequiere  [1991-1994]
 New York Drafted in Round 6 

Harold Jasper

Harold Jasper  [1991-1994]
 New York 

Jay Bickford

Jay Bickford  [1995-1999]
 New York Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter All Conference: Academic (1998, 1999) 

Missing photo for Chinyere Vann

Chinyere Vann  [1996-1997]
 New York 

George Eshareturi

George Eshareturi  [2004-2005]
 New York 

Julian Smith

Julian Smith  [2006-2006]
 New York 

Missing photo for Khalif Stanten

Khalif Stanten  [2008-2008]
 New York 

Missing photo for Melsahn Basabe

Melsahn Basabe  [2011-2015]
 New York 

Jordan Canzeri

Jordan Canzeri  [2011-2015]
 New York Wikipedia Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter LinkedIn All Conference: 3rd Team (2015) 

Joe Touissant

Joe Touissant  [2019-2022]
 New York Hawkeye Sports Profile 

Riley Mulvey

Riley Mulvey  [2021-2025]
 New York Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

Seydou Traore

Seydou Traore  [2024-2025]
 New York Hawkeye Sports Profile  Twitter 

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Iowa Hawkeyes - Player Profiles | Basketball - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games