2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 13 - 10
(9 games remaining)

 2024-2025 WBB Record: 16 - 7
(7 games remaining)

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2/10/2025 Women's Basketball @  Nebraska

2/12/2025 Basketball @  Rutgers

2/13/2025 Women's Basketball vs  Rutgers

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Ava Jones - Image courtesy of https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/ava-jones-family-hospital-car-hit-downtown-louisville-basketball-recruit-iowa-kentucky/417-502ae696-b110-47cc-bdd7-51149590c8da

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Ava Jones      Kansas Personal website and NIL page Hawkeye Sports Profile Twitter 

Position(s): G
Year signed with Iowa: 2023

HIGH SCHOOL: Ava Jones attended Nickerson High School and lived in or near Nickerson, Kansas. She averaged 20.8 points, 15.4 rebounds, 2.4 assists and 1.6 steals per game as a junior, helping their team finish 23-3 and placed fourth in the Kansas Class 3A state tournament. She won a state championship in high jumping as a sophomore, and was a runner-up as a junior. She also was a state placewinner in the pole vault (10 feet, 6 inches) and javelin (123 feet).

Before her senior season, she was severely injured in a car accident that killed her father, and injured her mother and sister. She suffered 21 broken bones, a brain injury, and a stroke, and numerous surgeries to save her leg and help her recover.

COLLEGE: She was ruled ineligible to play in the 2023-2024 seaonn. In June 2024, she took a medical disqualification and retired from basketball due to her injuries. She remained on scholarship to complete her degree.



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Ava Jones - Iowa Hawkeyes Player Profile | Women's Basketball - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games