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 2024-2025 MBB Record: 14 - 10
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2/14/2025 Wrestling @  Minnesota

2/16/2025 Basketball @  Maryland

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Samuel 'Clyde' Williams

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Samuel 'Clyde' Williams      Iowa Wikipedia 

Position(s): QB

HIGH SCHOOL: Samuel 'Clyde' Williams attended Shelby High School and lived in or near Shelby, Iowa. His high school principal purchased a football rule book and taught students about football, which is where he learned how to play quarterback.

COLLEGE: He started at quarterback in all 4 seasons at Iowa. He led Iowa's new T-formation, and scored 50+ points on four different occasions.

In 1899, Collier's Magazine named him the top quarterback in the West. In 1890, he became Iowa's first all-American. He was also named a 3rd team pick by Walter Camp, the first player west of the Mississippi River to earn the recognition. In four years as a starting quarterback, he never lost a game. From the middle of the 1898 season to the middle of the 1901 season, he went 23–0–3. He earned 11 letters at Iowa, four in football, four in baseball, and three in track.

PROFESSIONAL: He was drafted by the Philadelphia Athletics for baseball, but chose to pursue a coaching career in Ames instead.

OTHER: After serving as an Iowa assistant football coach for two years, he later became the head coach at Iowa State from 1907 to 1912, leading them to their only conference championships. His coaching record was 33-14-2 at Iowa State. The football stadium was named after him from 1915 through 1975 (before Jack Trice Stadium was built). He was Iowa State's first basketball coach from 1908-1911. He also coached the baseball team and served as athletic director in Ames. Williams is in a small minority of people who are in the Iowa and Iowa State hall of fame. He is credited for inventing the overhead pass which was adopted by several college teams.

Born 3/24/1879 and died on 3/20/1938 at the age of 58.

Player of the Year: Top Quarterback (1899) All American: 1st Team (1900), 3rd Team (1899) U of Iowa Athletics Hall of Fame 



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FAMOUS QUOTES from Samuel 'Clyde' Williams

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FAMOUS QUOTES about Samuel 'Clyde' Williams

Missing photo for Samuel 'Clyde' Williams Mike Hyland
He was my idol as an athlete in my younger days. Up until the time of Nile Kinnick no athlete so impressed me as much as Clyde

Samuel 'Clyde' Williams Willis 'Billy' Edson - Link to source
I have followed football in Iowa since 1893...the only man I know that could rank with Clyde was Nile Kinnick...as a quarterback and signal-caller I have never seen his equal.


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Samuel 'Clyde' Williams - Iowa Hawkeyes Player Profile | Football - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games