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836 highlight videos and 685 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 6,112 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1920 players and 120 coaches.

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2/13/2025 Women's Basketball vs  Rutgers

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Bob Elliott
Bob Elliott
Bob Elliott
Bob Elliott
Bob Elliott
Bob Elliott

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Bob Elliott      Iowa 

Position(s): DB

Bob Elliott attended West High School and lived in Iowa City, Iowa. He earned 8 letters in football, baseball and basketball, and was all-state in football for Ann Arbor Pioneer High School. He moved to Iowa City in 1970 when his father Bump Elliott became the Hawkeyes’ athletic director.

He played defensive back for the Hawkeyes from 1972-75, where he became a two-time Academic All-American and was a Rhodes Scholar candidate in 1976. He also scored a touchdown off a blocked punt. He led the Hawks in interceptions and passes-defended his senior year.

He rose to the position of assistant head coach under Hayden Fry at Iowa in 1998, and appeared to be in line to be Fry's successor in 1999 when he was first struck by health problems. Elliott had a rare form of blood cancer that required a bone marrow transplant. After battling the cancer, he continued to coach up until his death. He worked as a graduate assistant for Iowa the year after he graduated, and missed only two seasons of college football over the next four decades, spending 38 years coaching college football.

Born 5/6/1953 and died on 7/8/2017 at the age of 64.

Bob Elliott Check out Bob Elliott's Iowa coach profile page >>>

All American: Academic (1974, 1975) 



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FAMOUS QUOTES from Bob Elliott

FAMOUS QUOTES about Bob Elliott

Bob Elliott Bill Ennis-Inge  from Iowa vs. Arizona on 9/7/1996
Coach Elliott said something about the 'Mosquito Biters' or something like that, but that sounds kind of crazy. What we want to do, we just want to play traditional Hawkeye defense. Hopefully when you think about the Hawkeye defense, you think about a tight-knit group who plays together, who will make you scrounge and dig deep for every yard you get.

- In response to Defensive Coordinator Bob Elliott's nickname given to the Iowa defense of "Mosquito Swarm," in reference to Arizona's famous "Desert Swarm" nickname.

Frank Lauterbur Frank Lauterbur
Bobby's a man I'd want on my side in a street fight. He'll knock you down, and anybody else who's standing, never break a sweat and keep smiling all the time.

Jack Harbaugh Jack Harbaugh
He attacks like a man 6-9 280 pounds.

- Harbaugh talking about Elliott, even though he is only 5-9 175.


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Derek Rose
George Kittle
Marcus Schnoor
Bill Glass
Bill Happel

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Bob Elliott - Iowa Hawkeyes Player Profile | Football - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games