2024-2025 FB Record: 8 - 5

 2024-2025 MBB Record: 13 - 9
(10 games remaining)

 2024-2025 WBB Record: 16 - 7
(7 games remaining)

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835 highlight videos and 685 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 6,092 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1920 players and 120 coaches.

2/7/2025 Wrestling vs  Maryland

2/8/2025 Basketball vs  Wisconsin

2/10/2025 Women's Basketball @  Nebraska

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2/2/2025 (2024-2025)

Xfinity Center [College Park, Maryland]

#2 Iowa  @  #25  Maryland  Maryland #2 Iowa Hawkeyes Wrestling @ #25 Maryland on 2/2/2025 - HawkeyeRecap.com

W   34 - 9 

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Head Coach: Tom Brands
Attendance: 2,000
Start Time: 01:00 PM CST


125 – #26 Joey Cruz (I) major dec. Tyler Garvin (M), 20-6

133 – #11 Braxton Brown (M) pinned Kale Petersen (I), 5:57

141 – Cullan Schriever (I) dec. Dario Lemus (M), 6-5

149 – #2 Kyle Parco (I) tech. fall Michael Pizzuto (M), 17-1

157 – #6 Ethen Miller (M) dec. Miguel Estrada (I), 4-2

165 – #2 Michael Caliendo (I) tech. fall Alex Uryniak (M), 26-10

174 – #6 Patrick Kennedy (I) tech fall. Branson John (M), 22-6

184 – #5 Gabe Arnold (I) dec. #11 Jaxon Smith (M), 2-1 TB1

197 – #1 Stephen Buchanan (I) pinned Chase Mielnik (M), 2:50

285 – #11 Ben Kueter (I) dec. #12 Seth Nevills (M), 5-4



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Maryland View more Wrestling games against Maryland >>>

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#2 Iowa Hawkeyes Wrestling @ #25 Maryland on 2/2/2025 - HawkeyeRecap.com - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games