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11/8/1975 (1975-1976)

Kinnick Stadium [Iowa City, Iowa]

Iowa  vs  Wisconsin  Wisconsin Iowa Hawkeyes Football vs Wisconsin on 11/8/1975 - HawkeyeRecap.com

W   45 - 28 

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Head Coach: Bob Commings
Attendance: 54,650


The Hawkeyes exploded on offense with 469 yards rushing, which was the most by an Iowa team against a Big Ten opponent and their 45 points were the best in 72 games spanning seven years. Mark Fetter rushed for 118 yards on 18 carries. They connected in the passing game as well, when Butch Caldwell threw a 48-yard bomb to split end Billy Schultz. Jim Jensen had a 58-yard TD run. They even threw in some trick plays, scoring a 40-yard touchdown on a fake punt they called the "Bummerooski". It was named after the Houston Oilers coach Bum Phillips who devised it. Iowa assistant Kent Stephenson put the play in. Bobby Elliott was lined up on the left side as a personal protector on the play, and the punt was faked to Eddie Donovan who ran in for the 40-yard TD.




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Total First Downs2727
Rushing Attempts6954
Rushing Yards439266
Rushing TDs54
Yards per Rush6.44.9
Passes Completed25
Passes Attempts512
Pass Completion %40%41.7%
Passing TDs10
Passing Yards6365
Passing Yards per Completion31.513.0
Passing Yards per Attempt12.65.4
Total Plays7466
% of Rushing Plays93.2%81.8%
% of Passing Plays6.8%18.2%
Total Offense502331
Yards per Play6.85.0
Lost Fumbles01
Penalty Yards5998
Yards per Penalty7.424.5
Possession Time

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Iowa Hawkeyes Football vs Wisconsin on 11/8/1975 - HawkeyeRecap.com - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games