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2/22/2024 (2023-2024)

Assembly Hall [Bloomington, Indiana]

#4 Iowa  @  #14  Indiana  Indiana #4 Iowa Hawkeyes Women's Basketball @ #14 Indiana on 2/22/2024 - HawkeyeRecap.com

L   69 - 86 

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Head Coach: Lisa Bluder
Attendance: 17,222
Start Time: 7:00 PM CST
Pregame Notes from Sports Information


The Hoosiers pulled away in the second quarter outscoring the Hawkeyes, 21-11 to go into halftime with a 44-33 lead. The Hawks found back in the 3rd quarter, but Indiana outscored Iowa 24-15 in the 4th quarter to maintain their undefeated record at home. The Hoosiers avenged a blowout loss to Iowa earlier in the year, and may have ended the Hawks' chance for the regular season conference title.

Caitlin Clark finished scored 24 points grabbing 10 rebounds, and nine assists. Kate Martin scored 19 points and Hannah Stuelke scored 10.




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#4 Iowa Hawkeyes Women's Basketball @ #14 Indiana on 2/22/2024 - HawkeyeRecap.com - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games