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11/3/1990 (1990-1991)

Memorial Stadium [Champaign, Illinois]

#13 Iowa  @  #5  Illinois  Illinois #13 Iowa Hawkeyes Football @ #5 Illinois on 11/3/1990 - HawkeyeRecap.com

W   54 - 28 

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Head Coach: Hayden Fry
Attendance: 72,714
Start Time: 2:30 pm CST


The Hawks key road triumphs weren't finished as they traveled to Champaign, Illinois. Against an Illinois team that had the inside track to the Rose Bowl and was ranked 1st in the Big Ten in defense, Iowa put together one of their best offensive games in the Fry era, especially for a key road game. The Hawkeyes used an early fumble by the Illini to begin an exhibition by RB Nick Bell, the likes of which had rarely been seen in the Big 10 between two undefeated teams (in conference play). Bell literally ran over the Illini, scampering for 130 yards in the 1st quarter alone. The Hawks led by an amazing 28-0 early in the second quarter, and they stretched it to 44-14 by the end of the 3rd quarter, before settling for a 54-28 final. The Hawks rushed for 335 yards and had 540 yards of total offense. Matt Rodgers passed for 2 touchdowns (11 for 16 for 188 yards), and ran for a 3rd score.

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Hayden Fry Boys, the hay is in the barn, it's time to go hunting
-- Hayden Fry
As stated by TV announcer at start of the game


Total First Downs2421
Rushing Attempts5921
Rushing Yards33516
Rushing TDs30
Yards per Rush5.70.8
Passes Completed1332
Passes Attempts1858
Pass Completion %72.2%55.2%
Passing TDs44
Passing Yards205358
Passing Yards per Completion15.811.2
Passing Yards per Attempt11.46.2
Total Plays7779
% of Rushing Plays76.6%26.6%
% of Passing Plays23.4%73.4%
Total Offense540374
Yards per Play7.04.7
Lost Fumbles12
Penalty Yards4755
Yards per Penalty9.46.9
Possession Time36:4723:13

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#13 Iowa Hawkeyes Football @ #5 Illinois on 11/3/1990 - HawkeyeRecap.com - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games