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10/17/1936 (1936-1937)

Kinnick Stadium [Iowa City, Iowa]

Iowa  vs  Illinois  Illinois Iowa Hawkeyes Football vs Illinois on 10/17/1936 - HawkeyeRecap.com

T   0 - 0 

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Head Coach: Ossie Solem
Attendance: 39,000


Illinois blocked a punt in the 1st quarter, and had the ball on the 3-yard line, but the Iowa defense held strong, and the Illini could not convert on a FG. In the 2nd quarter, the Illini had another chance to score, but the defense held strong again, which led to another missed FG. The Hawks were able to get down to Illinois' 5-yard line with first and goal, thanks to Ozzie Simmons 29-yard run. But they could not score, and turned it over on downs. The Hawks also averted a few more scoring threats from Illinois to preserve the tie. The Hawks were fortunate not to lose their homecoming game.




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Iowa Hawkeyes Football vs Illinois on 10/17/1936 - HawkeyeRecap.com - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games