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11/17/1928 (1928-1929)

Iowa Field [Iowa City, Iowa]

Iowa  vs  Wisconsin  Wisconsin Iowa Hawkeyes Football vs Wisconsin on 11/17/1928 - HawkeyeRecap.com

L   0 - 13 

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Head Coach: Burton Ingwersen


Although the Hawks had more yardage and first downs, the Badgers were able to put points on the board in the poor playing conditions (mud, sleet, snow and wind). Iowa fumbled 9 times, losing 3 of them on Dad's Day. Wisconsin fumbled 5 times, but managed to recover them. The game was scoreless at halftime, but Wisconsin got on the board with a 63-yard punt return for a TD in the 3rd period. Late in the game, Iowa tried to fake a punt on their own 6-yard line, but the ball was fumbled, and Wisconsin recovered for the game-clinching TD.

It was the 5th time the Badgers have shutout the Hawks in 11 games. It was only the first loss of the year on the season, so there is still a chance for Iowa to win the conference.




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Iowa Hawkeyes Football vs Wisconsin on 11/17/1928 - HawkeyeRecap.com - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games